Oct 18, 2011

Book Review/Tour and Teaser: You Never Know by Lilian Duval

Teaser Tuesdays asks you to choose sentences at random from your current read. Identify the author and title for readers.

"Calm down," the man says. "No Madoff. Your money is in the best place - Goldman Sachs. They rejected Madoff's fund for all their clients. Safer than Uncle Sam. I told you that you'd be in good hands." (ch. 17)
Title: You Never Know: Tales of Tobias, an Accidental Lottery Winner
Author: Lilian Duval
Paperback, 354 pages
Published January 1st 2011 by Wheatmark
Objective rating: 4/5

Comments: I was afraid this story about a lottery winner would end badly, as many stories on TV and in the news have often reported about lottery winners. I was afraid that there would be unbelievable loss, grief, tragedy, even death. Imagine my pleasant surprise when the very worst doesn't happen, although there are strains along the way for Tobias and his wife and daughter. There are even threats of divorce and bankruptcy, and actual threats of harm to the family.

The book's message seems to be that there doesn't have to be tragedy, however, for someone who has accidentally and suddenly become fabulously wealthy, as long as there is generosity and compassion, friendship, love of family, and a good shoulder on one's head.  Overall, a very pleasant and surprising book to read on this subject.

Goodreads book description: Tobias Hillyer had a promising future until a car accident claimed the lives of his parents. Abandoning his dreams, he dropped out of college to take care of his orphaned, brain-damaged younger brother. Now in his late thirties, Tobias must struggle to provide for his family, working dead-end jobs that fall far short of the academic career he had imagined.

Then he wins the lottery.

His financial worries eliminated, Tobias anticipates nothing but smooth sailing ahead for himself and the people he loves. But he soon finds that his amazing stroke of luck may threaten everything he holds dear. Over peaks and valleys, this uplifting journey will challenge everything we think we know about luck, life, and what we value most.

About the Author:
Lilian Duval is the author of the forthcoming story collection Random Acts of Kindness. She is an amateur classical guitarist and a survivor of the 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. Lilian and her husband live in Ridgewood, New Jersey.

A copy of this book was provided for review by Pump Up Your Book Virtual Book Tours.


  1. I've never seen this one before. It sounds interesting!

  2. Harvee,
    I enjoyed your review. It's refreshing to be pleasantly surprised by a book.
    Mike Draper

  3. Something tells me this takes place before the bottom fell out of the economy. Sounds interesting. Thanks for visiting my teaser :)

  4. Jenny q: You're right. The novel takes place in 2009 to early 2010 before Goldman Sachs caved in.

  5. Sounds good. Last year I read a novel about a man with learning disabilities that won the lottery and how his family tried to take horrible advantage of him.

  6. This sounds like a really interesting book! I will have to check it out. I also want to go play lottery now.. :P

    Thank you for visiting my teaser! ^-^

  7. That sounds a lot more interesting than the usual lottery tragedy.

    Great teaser. Please check out my teaser.

  8. Oh, I'm glad you said it ends well. That makes me want to read it. I'd love to win the lotter, well, who wouldn't? But I always imagine winning it in the middle of an NPR fund drive so I could just pay the whole amount and get back to the news. Lame fantasy, huh? Here's Mine

  9. This does sound pretty interesting, and I'm glad you posted about it as it's new to me. I also ready a book called LOTTERY a few years ago (same one as Nise).

    Thanks for joining in today.

  10. I haven't heard about this one, but it does sound good. Enjoy!

  11. Sounds good check out my TT http://headstuckinabook.blogspot.com/2011/10/first-chapter-first-paragraph-post.html

  12. I'm glad it ends well for him.

  13. I hadn't heard of this one before but it does sound good. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  14. I haven't heard of this author before, but it sounds like a good read.


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