Oct 16, 2011

Sunday Salon: Not Enough Time....

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My project to repaint the house, cold weather and winter coming notwithstanding, still stands. Door by door, closet by closet, wall by wall, it is supposed to happen! In the meantime, there are shelves of books to be read, meals to be cooked, a garden to tend before winter sets in. And a new granddaughter expected in a few weeks!

With all the chores, what's a body to do? Write a Sunday Salon and then get a good cup of coffee to finish my Kindle e-book, Little Elvises by Tim Hallinan, a Junior Bender mystery set in LA, a city that spawns good writers, having such good material to work with.

My husband loves horse chestnut trees, especially the one with the beautiful bright coral flowers. He planted two of the seeds in pots outside and two hours later the very active squirrels had sniffed them out and squirreled them away. Broken hearted, my hubby plans to drag me along to the Botanical Garden to see if any more of the seeds are lying under their tree. I am not so enamored of the idea though I'm open to the idea of having a huge horse chestnut in the front yard.

On another note, I did four book reviews last week, a lot for me. I have another tour book to post on Oct. 18, so I had better get cracking.

What have you been reading/doing this past week?


  1. I've just started The Yearling, an old children's book. I'm making an effort to slow down and to do one thing at a time. Tricky. Sounds like you are having some of the same difficulties with time.

  2. You have a lot of projects! I remember how time-consuming they all were...especially when I lived in my big house in the foothills. I miss it sometimes, but then I think of all the chores that went with it, and I'm content.

    A new granddaughter is an awesome gift!

    I suspect that my kids are done having kids. Five of my grandkids are teenagers now and two are almost nine.

    I'll have to check on Little Elvises...love Elvis, love mysteries set in LA...and what's not to love?


  3. A new grandbaby!! Yay for you and your husband!!! The weather has truly shifted here in Michigan but I'm hoping for at least a few more weeks of mild temps! Enjoy your week and get reading on those 4 books!! LOL!

  4. I understand those pre-winter chores. We just finished repairing the roof where a few pesky squirrels have been snacking. I just started reading NIGHTWOODS by Charles Frazier.

  5. I've been meaning to paint my house for about 5 years, LOL! It's so nice to just drink some coffee and read a good book!

  6. Gee you do have a lot going on. I bet you are excited about the new grandchild to be:) congrats

  7. How exciting that you'll have a new grandbaby just in time for the holidays!

  8. Sounds like a busy time and I can identify with you. Getting ready for winter around here and yet the three books I'm reading are calling to me as I write this...what to do what to do? Thanks Lisa bookhimdanno.blogspot.com

  9. I never feel as if there is enough time either. I work full time and have two kids with very active schedules and between them and work I am hopping all the time. That's not even mentioning The Hub!

    I don't know how I fit reading in at all but if I didn't, I'd lose my mind.


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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