Apr 15, 2012

Sunday Salon: Spring Reading

The Sunday Salon.com Welcome to the Sunday Salon.

A robin has been building a nest for weeks outside my window.
April winds shake the small tree, her bits of twigs and grass blow away.
Has she lost her ability to make a nest? It keeps falling, bits and pieces.
Perhaps she will triumph today, before the new winds blow.

On my spring reading list:
The Ghost of Lily Painter by Caitlin Davis, a haunted house thriller.

Ashes to Dust by Yrsa Sigurdardottir, Scandinavian thriller

The Wild Wood Enquiry by Ann Purser, cozy mystery

Murder Buys a T-Shirt , thanks to Kaye, Pudgy Penquin Perusal

The Concubine Saga by Lloyd Lofthouse, historical fiction

An Unexpected Guest by Anne Korkeakivi, re a British diplomat's wife in Paris

The Lost Ones by Ace Atkins, thriller

Under Oath by Margaret McLean, legal thriller

The Fear Artist by Timothy Hallinan, thriller set in Thailand

I'm reading these two memoirs for TLC book tours this month and next:

Lucky Child by Loung Ung, a Daughter of Cambodia Reunites with the Sister She Left Behind, memoir

Lulu in the Sky by Loung Ung, a Daughter of Cambodia Finds Love, Healing, and Double Happiness, memoir

And for lighter reading, I have two library books: Sophie Kinsella's Twenties Girl and Remember Me?

Whew! Would you believe I'm also doing some writing of my own? What have you been up to and what are you reading?


  1. The memoirs sound really good, and I think it's great that you're writing! Happy Sunday.

  2. Thanks for letting me know and enjoy the book! Have a great week!

  3. You have a ton going on right now! Happy reading!

  4. I really enjoyed those two Kinsella books! Have a great week....


  5. Enjoy your books!

    I did some spring cleaning today. Later, I hope to do some spring reading! :)

  6. I always enjoy a good memoir - Have a great week.

  7. Yeah I think An Unexpected Guest is on my to read list too. Could be good? cheers. http://www.thecuecard.com/

  8. Wow...you have a full plate! I also like any book set in an exotic (read: someplace I've never been)locale. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Vb

  9. Poor Mama Robin! Your list looks and sounds great!

  10. I'm going to be worried sick about Mama Robin now. LOL

  11. I will be reading the Lofthouse book in June-it looks very interesting-I am eager to read your reaction on the book set in Cambodia

  12. The Concubine Saga? Sounds interesting especially the HF aspect. Concubines were quite powerful in some societies. Enjoy all of your books :)

  13. An Unexpected Guest is on my tbr list as well. I hope you have a great reading week.

    I enjoyed Twenties Girl, I hope you do too.


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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