Oct 21, 2012

Sunday Salon: Autumn Reads

The Sunday Salon.com Welcome to the Sunday Salon!

I seem to be reading more during this cool weather, in between taking rides to see the changing leaves and to buy pumpkins from local farms. Got some local fruit preserves for gifts and pumpkin bread for myself!

I finished reading Mr. Churchill's Secretary by Ella Macneal, though I flipped through the last third of the mystery novel, impatient for the ending and feeling the book was too padded after a very good first half.

I felt the same about Forgotten by Catherine Mckenzie, an excellent book and plot but padded with  drawn out conversation for pages and pages later on. I also flipped to the end after enjoying the plot lines of the book as laid out in the first half.

Lest you think I'm just an overly impatient reader, I'm reading every word of Joseph Kanon's Istanbul Passage, a thriller and novel of intrigue set in post-WWII Istanbul, featuring international spies and people runners trying to wrap up the frayed edges of the end of the war. I'm in the middle of the book and don't feel impelled or the least bit inclined to flip to the end!

Backyard maple makes a statement
What books have captured your attention this fall?


  1. This week was a great reading week for me, too. From Nate Berkus's design book to Blackberry Winter, by Sarah Jio, I found it a captivating one.

    I received Forgotten in the mail this week. Can't wait to dive in.


  2. I love this time of year too, lovely shot of the leaves.
    Istanbul Passage sounds great. I'm currently hooked onto the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy.

  3. Right now I'm reading Stardust by Neil Gaiman. It's a re-read and perfect for this fall weather. Have a good week.

  4. I've not been captivated lately. I've enjoyed my reading, but I've not found a new favorite book in a little while.

  5. I read my first book by Tananarrive Due titled The Between. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Had never read a book written by her. She's a very famous author. Now I see why. This novel is a psychological novel involving a man's constant nightmares and dreams which almost lead to his destruction as well as his family's destruction.

  6. I love those red maple leaves! We are having rainy, cozy weather this weekend, perfect for reading! :)

  7. Yikes! I bought Mr. Churchhill's Secretary for my friend because she loves the Jacqueline Winspear mysteries. I'm sorry to hear it didn't hold up in the end. For you and for my friend! ;)

  8. Bummer! I loved Mr.Churchill's Secretary and flew through it in a day!


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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