Mar 16, 2014

Sunday Salon: Squirrel-Proof Bird House

The Sunday Welcome to the Sunday Salon! Also visit The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer; It's Monday: What Are You Reading? at Book Journey.

Do you think this squirrel-proof bird feeder will work? We bought one similar to this, with only one side open for birds to perch and eat. A squirrel's heavier weight would weigh down the bird perch and close access to the bird seeds. We'll see....One squirrel investigated and left it, but I bet he'll be back!

New to my bookshelves this week:

Animal Wise

An Act of Kindness

One Night in Winter

Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy

The Headmistress of Rosemere

Animal Wise by Virginia Morell
An Act of Kindness by Barbara Nadel
One Night in Winter by Simon Sebag Montefiore
Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy by Karen Foxlee
The Headmistress of Rosemere by Sarah E. Ladd
The Accidental Book Club by Jennifer Scott

What's new on your bookshelves?


  1. We've tried every kind of squirrel-less bird feeder and to no avail. My dad, who tends to be a little more active than I am about these things, says the only squirrel-less bird feeder that works is one that is manned by a gun-toting Texan. I hope you don't have to go that far.

  2. I would like to read Animal Wise, An Act of Kindness and An Accidental Book Club, so thanks for introducing me to these titles! Looks like you had a good week, except for the squirrel :)

  3. I hope your squirrel-less bird feeder works! The books you have look interesting. I will have to check them out.

  4. I hope the squirrel-proof bird feeder works! Happy reading, they all look good. The cover on The Headmistress of Rosemere is beautiful.

  5. I had to laugh at Deb's reply. I hope you don't go that far too! :-) I have a ton of new ARCs on my shelves. Hopefully, I'll get to them all within the next few weeks. I've heard that Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy is an enchanting read. I hope you enjoy it. Happy Sunday.

  6. I hope the feeder works, sounds like it will. Looking forward to your thoughts on these interesting books. I have Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy in my TBR stack and hope to read it soon.

  7. Animal Wise looks very good. For me however it seems to argue the obvious. If you are interested in this subject I highly recommend Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors by Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan where they argue that humans and other animals share all the same mental processes.

    Equal rights for squirrels :) !

  8. One Night in Winter and The Accidental Book Club look great! I just put them on my TBR list. Great week!

    Jessica @ Tales Between the Pages

  9. The bird feeder sounds like a good idea. I hope it works. Looks like you have some great reading ahead. Have a great week!

  10. Best of luck with the bird feeder! Enjoy your reading this week. :)

  11. I can't have a bird feeder in my garden because of my cats - that would be asking for trouble. Let's hope the squirrel-proofing works.

    I like the look of Animal Wise, and Also An Accidental Book Club - love all books about books / book clubs.

    Have a great week and Happy Reading!
    My Sunday post is here

  12. Deb's comment made me chuckle.

    After a trade in at Half Price Books on Saturday I scored new copies of Cress and Hollow City at 30% off.

    Have a great week.

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews

  13. The Accidental Book Club looks enticing...good luck with the Squirrel-Proof birdhouse....


  14. If your squirrels are anything like ours, they will be very persistent. :) Good luck!

    Looks like some good titles, The Accidental Book Club sounds like a good read. Enjoy!

  15. I have cats, so no bird feeder because I want the birds to remain alive ! I hope this one works for you. Have a great week :)

  16. We get a kick out of watching our neighbor's inventions to keep the squirrels out of the feeder. Currently, there's a slinky around the pole.

    Joy's Book Blog

  17. I havent heard of any of these books. But happy readin!

    Check out what we are reading this week.

    Also check out our Kindle Giveaway along with OUAT 4 year Giveaway.

    Leydy @OUaT & RCE

  18. I will have to check out The Accidental Book Club. Have a great week!

  19. I have that same bird feeder only in red and yes, it works with a few modifications. The squirrels try to defeat the closing perch by hanging upside down from the hook so I added a cap over the top. The cap also prevents the raccoons from pulling the feeder off the hook and throwing it to the ground - that happened twice. And a strip of duct tape prevents any critters that do get on top of the feeder from getting open.

    Here's what happened to one persistent squirrel:

  20. Like the look of the Headmistress book.

  21. ahhh...those pesky squirrels! Best of luck with the feeder. Animal Wise looks like a great read. I will have to check it out.My Sunday Post...


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