Apr 26, 2020

Sunday Salon: What I've Been Reading During Lock Down

I've been reading more recently, especially ebooks from the library, Netgalley, Amazon Unlimited, and books from my shelves.  Here are some of the books, mostly mystery, but a few historical fiction, travel fiction, and contemporary fiction.

The Chef's SecretThe Aunt Who Wouldn't Die: A NovelThe Missing Sister

That Birthday in BarbadosFunny, You Don't Look Autistic: A Comedian's Guide to Life on the SpectrumThe Friends We Keep

Kill the King (Colomba Caselli, #3)One Minute Out (Gray Man, #9)Paris by the Book

When I Was You
That Month in TuscanyMagpie Murders

For details on these books, click on my reviews on Goodreads. 

Have you been reading more, or less, during this stay-at-home period?

Memes: The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer. Also,  It's Monday: What Are You Readingand Sunday Salon

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