Apr 7, 2012

Sunday Salon: There's a Bunny in the Backyard

The Sunday Salon.com Welcome to the Sunday Salon.

There was a bunny in my backyard this weekend.
If it was the Easter Bunny,
he didn't leave any eggs.
But he did have a good time with the grass.

And now for something bookish: a few books of fiction in my TBR pile:

Dancing on Broken Glass by Ka Hancock

Between You and Me by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus

Sacre Bleu: A Comedy D'Art by Christopher Moore

Sidney Sheldon's Angel of the Dark by Tilly Bagshawe

and some nonfiction:

Oklahoma City: What the Investigation Missed - and Why It Still Matters by Andrew Gumbel and Roger G. Charles

Bloom: Finding Beauty in the Unexpected - A Memoir by Kelle Hampton

What are you planning to read?


  1. Adorable bunny!

    I'm curious about Between Me and You...aren't those the authors who wrote The Nanny Diaries?

    Checking out your links....

    Have a great day, and here's MY SUNDAY SALON POST

  2. Awww! It's Peter Rabbit!

  3. Cute! I'm planning on finishing Sister Queens :)

  4. What a fun way to start Easter. As a child living in Eastern Ontario-Easter was usually cold-we did not have warm sunny Easters too often-so it was always a treat to see a bunny.

    Have a lovely day.

  5. Now I wish I had a bunny! I'm finishing up The Behavior Gap by Carl Richards and Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. After that, I'll probably read some poetry. Have a great weekend.

  6. Such a cute bunny! Probably for the best that you didn't find any little "eggs" that he could have left behind. :)

  7. Love that the Easter Bunny visited you, and that you caught him on 'tape' so to speak! Perhaps there are some chocolate eggs hidden in the grass somewhere?

  8. How adorable! You must be in for some fantastic luck this year to have seen a real bunny in your backyard for Easter!

  9. How cute! Wonder if that is considered good luck seeing a bunny at Easter?

  10. Awwww, I love bunnies. We've had one cruising around the neighborhood lately. It's turning brown on top but its belly is still white.

  11. How timely--and cute! I hope you had a lovely Easter.

  12. You've got some great books on your TBR pile to look forward to!

  13. I love your bunny! I had a bunny that loved my yard, but the neighbor dogs killed it Saturday...pretty sad!

    Hope your books are great!

  14. what a sweet bunny! we have a lot of wild rabbits around here but seldom see them during the daytime.


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