Oct 5, 2014

Sunday Salon: Rooms by Lauren Oliver

Welcome to the Sunday Salon where bloggers share their reading each week.Visit The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer; Also visit It's Monday: What Are You Reading hosted by Book Journey and Stacking the Shelves at Tynga's Reviews.

I've been reading a lot but posting short reviews on goodreads only, not on this blog. No time, and not enough time to tackle those books I want to read. By the end of November, I will have finished the book tours and hope to have none or few from thenceforth! Let's see if I can follow this resolution.

Only one new book this past week, plus two cozies for book tours.

Thanks to Ecco for a review copy of Rooms - "a tale of family, ghosts, secrets, and mystery, in which the lives of the living and the dead intersect in shocking, surprising, and moving ways.
Bless Her Dead Little Heart

Bless Her Dead Little Heart and Gossamer Ghost are for book tours organized by the publisher, Berkley. 

I finished reading and reviewing recently on goodreads:
A Possibility of Violence by D. A. Mishani, mystery set in Tel Aviv
Stillwater by Nicole Helget, historical novel set in Minnesota, a surprisingly good book. 

What interesting books have you read or received recently? 


  1. I so relate to your issues over time to read and blog, especially today!

    I think that my wife would really like some of these books so I will be sending her a link to them.

  2. Love that cover on Rooms. Quite intriguing. Off to find out more.

  3. When I saw Rooms while strolling through Barnes & Noble (yes, sometimes I actually buy books in the store!), I almost bought it. But I am going to wait and see what others think of it. I've never read this author.

    The cozies look good, too. Hope you are enjoying your week....I gave up on blog tours. Took too much time and I hate the deadlines, which remind me of a job! LOL


  4. I'm doing so many reviews this month! I'm planning to slow down next month though. Your books aren't helping.LOL I'm really wanting to read Rooms and I can't resist a cozy. It's the perfect weather to curl up with one:)
    here is my Sunday Post -http://fuonlyknew.com/2014/10/05/whats-new-on-my-bookshelf-81-and-the-sunday-post/

  5. I hope you can stick to your resolution... blogging is much less stressful without deadlines and I'm reading more of the books I want to read. Good luck!

  6. Good luck with the tours, and getting to the books you want to read. Your cozies look good, especially Off Kilter from your Wed post. The tagline on that one cracked me up... "someone's been kilt." It might be worth getting for that alone LOL.

    Have a great rest of the weekend.

  7. I understand about writing your reviews - sometimes there are just too many places we want to post them. I've been doing more reviews on Goodreads too, but I do catch up on what you're reading on your facebook updates.

    The cozies sound great! Will have to check those out now too!

  8. Good luck with your resolution to do fewer tours! I over committed myself to some late October/early November tours. I'm all caught up on reading and reviewing and looking forward to some "me" reading in the coming weeks!

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews

  9. Too many commitments can be stressful. Best wishes for meeting your goals. It looks like you have some good books there.

  10. Rooms look interesting! I hope you're able to meet your goals. Blogging is more fun when you don't have a lot of obligations.

  11. Rooms looks interesting and I find I can't pass up a cozy this time of year! I've read the first few in the Laura Childs' series and always enjoy them. Hope November is less hectic for you. The blog tour situation can definitely get out of hand. Have a great week!

  12. Rooms has been on my radar and I want to read it, having read a couple by her. Also I put Stillwater on my wishlist and will check it out further. I can totally understand your choice to read instead of writing reviews. I am at those crossroads this week, and while it is frustrating, I don't have the time to do both, and chose reading. I'll play catch-up this week.

  13. I have Panic by Lauren Oliver on my Kindle and need to read it! Its been on there since the summer :) I haven't read anything else by her, so am looking forward to it.

  14. Like the covers of your two mystery books.

  15. Harvee, I have cut back on my own book tours, because of time restraints. Enjoy your reading this week! The cozies look good, and Rooms (not to be confused with Room, looks promising.


  16. Enjoy your reading this week! I have a lot to catch up on with Cinder & Throne of Glass... ;-)

    Guy Vestal @ Counter Culture Critic - My Monday

  17. Rooms looks scary.

    The cozies look good.

    ENJOY your reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  18. I've made that resolution a few times over the past six years - hope you're more successful at keeping it than I've been :)

  19. The cozies always have such cute covers. I hear you about "no time". I've stopped joining full-year challenges and have limited tours to only a few per year.


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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