Mar 28, 2015

Sunday Salon: First Robin of the Year

Welcome to the Sunday Salon where bloggers share their reading each week. Visit The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer. 

A robin showed up yesterday, a sure sign of spring, I thought, but then it got really cold again today and I haven't seen it since! Envying the pictures of flowers and blossoms from everywhere else warmer. But then, it's still March here!

I finished reading 
World Gone By, an historical thriller by Dennis Lehane
Bittersweet, a psychological suspense by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore
Murder on the Champs de Mars, a murder mystery set in Paris, by Cara Black

I got one new book in the mail, a Murder She Wrote mystery, and bought A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler. Am also reading a couple of books for tours in April. 

Hope you all benefited from Bloggiesta this year, those of you who participated.


  1. Murder on the Champs de Mars sounds intriguing! I hadn't heard of it but it looks like my kind of book! I'm curious about A Spool of Blue Thread. I've only read one Anne Tyler book and while I enjoyed it I haven't been motivated to pick up another book by her yet. Have a great week!

    1. If you like Paris, you might like this series, Katherine. I am liking A Spool of Blue Thread, though I just started it. It's about a son whose parents can't quite figure out. Makes me wonder where this is going...

  2. Every time I see that Anne Tyler cover, I think how beautiful that blue thread is. It's been years since I read a Tyler book. Need to get this one just to look at the cover. LOL

    Hope your robin comes back!

  3. Aah - I loved Bittersweet last year and couldn't believe how little play it got in the blogging world! I know it's not as "high brow" as some other stuff, but what a fun read, great for summer.

  4. We had robins too, the other day, and then we had snow. Now it's cold. Maybe they'll return sometime soon.

  5. I have an audio ARC for Spool Of Blue Thread, but I have been having a terrible time with the downloading them. Right now I am listening to THE SHADOWS by JR Ward. My post:

  6. Since I love Anne Tyler, I can't wait to see what you think of Blue Thread.

  7. Didn't know of that Dennis Lehane book. Like his writing. Also interested in the Blue Thread book. Good reading!

  8. I've read a lot of positive things about A Spool of Blue Thread. Enjoy your Sunday.

  9. I am eager to read my copy of A Spool of Blue Thread. And I am definitely curious about World Gone By.

    Bloggiesta was a very productive time for me...even after I created some problems on my blog that required time and effort to fix. LOL


  10. There was a male cardinal on our deck yesterday -- still 30's here.

    A Spool of Blue Thread looks good - enjoy


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