Sep 22, 2009

The Art of Meaningful Living by Christopher F. Brown

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme hosted by
Should Be Reading. Choose two sentences from your current read, and add the author and title for readers.

"Meaningful living is choosing your passions over your fears. It is accepting what you cannot control and focusing on what is in your power."
(from the cover of The Art of Meaningful Living by Christopher F. Brown, art by John Palmer)

A coffee-table style book with self-help advice on wisdom, action, and resilience. It is illustrated with 75 pieces of colorful abstract art.


  1. looks like a wonderful book to browse through. love the quote.

  2. Great advise, great tease. Sounds like an interesting book. My tease is here:

  3. Very wise words...thanks for the teaser!

  4. Great teaser! That book sounds like it gives a lot of great advice in terms of taking control of your life, and living it. Hope you're enjoying your read

  5. The hard part is finding your passions in the first place!

    Thanks for visiting my teaser

  6. What wonderful advice :) Great teaser this week!

  7. I LOVE that teaser! That book just arrived at my house yesterday :)

    Here's my Teaser! ~ Wendi

  8. That teaser is wonderful. Definitely makes me want to pick up the book.

  9. Now, I know I read this before, but did I comment. I get confused. It's my age (20) LOL

    Well, let me repeat, just in case -- you have an award to come and pick up over my place. I've put the kettle on, so come on over!

    Since comment moderation is on, I shall have to wait and see how many times I have commented on this saucy post! LOL

    HUgs -- and sorry for messing up your comments section...


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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