Oct 27, 2009

Book Review: A Sportscaster's Guide to Watching Football

A Sportscaster's Guide to Watching Football: Decoding America's Favorite Game
Don't watch the ball while the center is snapping it back to the quarterback; watch the linemen. Whether they stand up or hunch over is crucial to predict how the play will be made.

That's one of the things I learned from A Sportscaster's Guide to Watching Football. I also have a chart of the line up in the offense and defense positions and information on what each player does - the WR, LT, LG, C, RG, TE, QB, and RB. And don't worry - the book explains what all those initials mean.

Offense, defense, the referees and the rules, what the numbers on the football jerseys mean re their position on the team - the 146 page book covers it all. However, though Mark Oristano did a good job of "Decoding America's Favorite Game," he could not get away completely from using terms/words to explain the same terms/words, which only football fans know. For instance, in the glossary, description of a "punt" is "When it's fourth down and you're too far away to kick a field goal, you punt the ball back to the other guys." Okay, but what is a punt? Sounds silly, but hey, I'm no sports fan.

I did get the basics of the game from the book, though true football fans may enjoy it best. After all, I saw football as a game with guys moving down the football field, running and piling up on top of each other. Now, though, I know better.

A Sportscaster's Guide to Watching Football: Decoding America's Favorite Game by Mark Oristano

Thanks to Phenix & Phenix for a review copy of this book.

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  1. My husband would love this, maybe I should read it just so I can figure out what the heck is going on. LOL
    Elie (Ellz Readz)

  2. elnice: The book helped me understand a bit, for sure. Football plays are complex, it looks like.

  3. Questions about football are what my husband's for. lol.

    He'd probably like this one. I'd probably fall asleep! :D

  4. Fair enough. A punt is when the ball is snapped from the line of scrimmage way back (15 yards) to the punter, who then sort of drop kicks it over to the other team. It's the only kick where the ball isn't placed on the ground first. If you have more questions, you may email me at moristano@gmail.com. I'm the author.

  5. And I should have added, if you'd like a signed copy for $10 plus postage, just call me on my cell at 214-546-3794 and we'll seal the deal.
    Mark Oristano

  6. And, if you'd like to hear my online comments during Dallas Cowboys games, please friend me on Facebook.
    Mark Oristano again.

  7. Mark: Thanks for answering the question, giving us your cell phone number to get a signed copy of the book, giving us your email address for more questions, and telling us how to hear your live commentary on facebook.

    Readers, are you paying close attention?

  8. Hmm. Sounds like a good one for this fall full of football.

  9. WOW! I was eager to read a review of this book and so glad that a book blogger embraced the challenge! Not to assume that my favorite book bloggers don't like football... But I have been looking for a simple but thorough guide and now I may have found one! That the author stopped by to offer more - I'm very impressed!


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