Oct 20, 2009

Teaser Tuesday: Public Image, Stories and Poems by Thomas A. Hauck

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Should Be Reading Choose two sentences from your current read, and add the author and title for readers.

"A bolt from the blue
charged air ignites seawater foam
rocks wait until the moon is full
while gulls cry for winter"

(from "Thunderstruck," p. 28)

Thomas A. Hauck, author of PISTONHEAD, a novel, has published a collection of his 24 short stories and 27 poems in this new book, Public Image, published by Avanti Literary, 2009.

Thanks to the author for a review copy of his book.
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  1. Intense! Mine is here: http://rundpinne.blogspot.com/2009/10/swiss-courier-teaser-tuesdays.html

  2. Great teaser. Another tempting book. Another credit card purchase on Amazon. This can't be good.


  3. A very descriptive poem.

    the book sounds very interesting.
    thanks for stopping by.

  4. Very tempting...
    Thanks for visiting me.

  5. That's a beautiful teaser! I'll have to check this one out...

  6. Interesting. I would expect gulls to cry for summer! Nice teaser.

  7. Great teaser! I hope you're enjoying the read.

  8. Poetry and I don't mix too well but I did get that!! :)

  9. A book with short stories and also poems? Quite unique :)

  10. Brilliant quotes! I love the way the words "count less" were used with "countless words", very clever use of language. And the second quoted verse, well it's refreshingly full of meaning :)

    Beautiful review Harvee!


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