Oct 12, 2009

"To Read" List on Goodreads

I add books to my Goodreads list as I go along. That's one way I keep track of my TBR list, although not every book I like and want to read is there. Took a look this morning at the To Read section and found 30 books.

Starting with the mysteries: There are a noir mystery, The Devil's Whisper by Miyuki Miyabe; Black Hole: A Novel of Psychological Suspense by Kitty Sewell; Murder For Hire: The Peruvian Pigeon by Dana Fredsti;

two cozies, To Hell in a Handbasket and A Real Basket Case by Beth Groundwater; a mystery series set in Shanghai, The Mao Case: An Inspector Chen Novel by Qiu Xialong;

plus an Alaskan series, Whisper to the Blood by Dana Stabenow, and a British mystery, Green for Danger by Christianna Brand. There's a mixture of authors - Japanese, Chinese, American, British. With mysteries set in different locations, I often learn about new places while enjoying a good plot.

The other genres I'll look at later. It's hard to tackle the list when other books keep cropping up, screaming at you to read them first.

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  1. I use 'To Read' on Goodreads for all the books that I own but haven't read yet, and I use Library Thing's wishlist for all the books I want to read that I don't own. I know that one f these days I'll get completely lost and buried under the mountain of all the TBR books lol!

  2. I do the opposite of Lilly for the most part. :) My to read list on goodreads includes books that I own and don't own, while LT only contains those I own. My goodreads tbr is a little intimidating (and I haven't updated it in a while either).

  3. I don't keep a TBR list on Goodreads. I'm not really sure why. But I do keep one on Amazon and Bookmooch.

  4. This is a good idea-up until now I have always used my Amazon.com wish list to keep track of my TBR list-I think I will keep one on Goodreads also now

  5. I don't follow lists--In fact, the first time I ever looked at the New York Times Best Sellers list was this summer while doinga reading challenge. But I can see it would be a good way to pick out what you want to read.

  6. Wow, how have I never thought of this before? What a good idea! (And here I've been keeping lists on paper--no really...am I living in the dark ages?)

    Anyway, I just wanted to say hi because I stumbled across your blog today and I really enjoyed it. I hope you don't mind that I'm following you now...

  7. Hi Harvee! I don't use Goodreads enough. Makes me want to maximize my membership on this site.

    Here in Manila, the more popular site along these lines is Shelfari. That's where I also met people from my book club.

  8. What a great idea to list your "To Read" list on Good Reads. I have up to this time have just added all my books that I buy and will read onto my Library Thing bookshelf, but it would be nice to have a dedicated list! Thanks for the idea! And sharing some of your books... I noticed a Japanese author in there... Japanese Literature Challenge?! :D

  9. I totally understand how all the books are screaming your name. But I love making those lists on Goodreads and every once in a while being able to check one done!

  10. I use Visual Bookshelf on Facebook to keep track of the books I want to read. I had been keeping track using sticky notes all over my desk . . . not very efficient!

    I keep hearing about good reads, but have never checked it out myself. How do you like it?

  11. My TO Read shelf on GoodReads is completely insanely out of control.


  12. I also use Good Reads/love it and "To Read" for books that I want to get to--some that I own, and others that I do not.

  13. I don't keep a TBR list anywhere because I have a bookcase next to the bed specifically for them. Sometimes, when I wake during the night, I think I hear voices crying, "Read me, read me!"

    But like you, Harvee, something new screams at me instead. Heartless, I know, but at least my TBRs have a nice and loving home.

  14. between goodreads, librarything, amazon, and audible.com...i have my wish lists spread out. that way it doesn't look so bad. sometimes i like one more than another but that's ok. but some days, i do think about dropping some and combining. i have not one good reason why i have not.

  15. i have to keep my wish lists spread out or dh gets very nervous that i might do something rash. which is also the reason to keep books i have read moving thru the house instead of staying...ok, so i have some that are still lingering. but ... well...

  16. Thank heavens for the basement, where I keep most of my books. Gets a tad humid down there in the summer, but well...wish I had a cllimate controlled library.


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