Aug 30, 2010

Finding New Authors

Thanks to a blogger I follow on Google Reader, (I'm trying to find her again),  I've discovered an easy way to find new authors.

Click on the link, Gnooks and enter into Gnod the names of three of your favorite writers. Based on your choices, Gnod will then suggest a new author for you to read. So far, entering names of different genre writers, I've come up with four names (new to me).  They are Emily Barr (travel fiction), Graham Swift (literary fiction), Carol Lea Benjamin (mystery), and Rebecca Pawel (mystery set in Spain).

And there's more. Enter the name of an author to find others like him/her, on the Literature Map on Gnooks, Have fun with it!

 Perfect Lie Making an ElephantWithout a Word: A Rachel Alexander Mystery (Rachel Alexander & Dash Mysteries)The Summer Snow (Soho Crime)

What a great resource this has turned out to be!  If you are familiar with Gnod or are the blogger who shared this info, leave a comment for me, please!


  1. Hi! Is this the post you are thinking of:

    I'm really glad you have enjoyed this little tool. It's nifty hey...

  2. Booklover: Yes, yours was the blog I found the information on. Am having fun with it. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Yaaay, thank you, I love sites like that.

    I found this awhile ago also. - you put the last book you read in and it recommends something you should enjoy.

  4. Thanks, Marce. I'll look it up.


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