Aug 8, 2010

Guest Review: There's No Hope for Gomez by Graham Parke

- by guest reviewer, Reiny Lau
No Hope for Gomez!
No Hope for Gomez

There’s No Hope for Gomez! I didn’t expect much when I picked up this book. Well, that’s why they say, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

No Hope for Gomez is about a man named Gomez (of course!). He is a "lab rat" for experimental drug testing and he writes a blog about his daily life – which I would say is quite interesting. After he takes the medicine he's given, things around him start turning a bit out of place: an antiques dealer tries to buy his old tax papers, his neighbor boils salamanders on his balcony, something makes him fall for his lab assistant, and when another guy in the same drug trial mysteriously dies – Now there’s a story for Gomez.

This book is a comedy, no doubt about that, but there’s also a bit of a thrill and suspense here. Parke did well in creating characters with strong personalities that will have you thinking about them for quite a while. I must say there’s a lot of good (and bad?) humor in this book. The plot isn’t too serious and the story line went smoothly as the blog entries Gomez wrote; there are a lot of points that will leave you wondering how this will end – and then you can’t put the book down.

If you like a story that will keep you smiling (or even going LOL!) – and if you like to read some suspense that won’t make you go all serious thinking about it, give a chance to Gomez.

Title: No Hope for Gomez!
Author: Graham Parke
Paperback: 194 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (January 12, 2010)
Genre: Comedy, suspense
Source: Publisher/publicist


  1. Sounds like a fun book - and I don't know if I would have picked it up without this review. Thanks :)

  2. It does sound like a humorous book!

  3. Great review! Go Gomez :)


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