Nov 30, 2010

The Active Creative Child by Stephanie Vlahov: Teaser Tuesday

The Active/Creative Child: Parenting in Perpetual Motion

The Active, Creative Child: Parenting in Perpetual Motion

"Discipline is Not a Four Letter Word.
Advocate for Your Child's Creativity." (ch. 4)

Book description from Goodreads: With an active, creative child, parents and teachers need to be flexible, energetic and smart! Here is a practical handbook for coping, establishing realistic boundaries and avoiding labels when you have a really inquisitive child. Active/creative children are often misunderstood by the medical community, by schools, and by their own parents. Their energy can be astounding; their curiousity is boundless -- and channeling that energy is necessary. This is encouragement and genuine help to support a child's natural curiosity and energy: * work with your child's energy, don't squelch it * keep your own ego from interfering with your child's passion * how to avoid over-stimulation * how to choose the best artistic outlets * how to choose the best teachers.

Title: The Active, Creative Child: Parenting in Perpetual Motion

Author: Stephanie Vlahov
Publisher: Hohm Press; April 10, 2006
Source: Publisher/publicist


  1. Thanks for your comment!
    Great teaser as well. I once managed a theatre group for less able primary school children. One of the most difficult but also most inspiring times of my life so far!

  2. This sounds like an invaluable parenting handbook.

    Thanks for sharing...

    Here's mine:

    (click my name)

  3. Nice simply teaser. I like to creative projects with my boys. It is fun to see their wheels turn.

    UnRead Brains is a making it's debut appearance on the blog-o-sphere and the Tuesday Teaser. Stop by anytime.

    Black Disaster Fairy.

  4. Very true.

    Here's mine

  5. Too late for me now but it sounds like some good advice!!

  6. Great teaser! The cover of this one makes me miss summer quite a bit.


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