Jun 19, 2011

Sunday Salon: Really Nice Weather

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Some really nice, sunny weather has me putting the books down and taking long drives, gardening or sitting outside watching flowers grow, chipmunks scutter, and birds hone in to the feeders or fly over my head.

I did finish The Sweetness of Tears and a couple of cozy mysteries and am now in the middle of  The Art of Saying Goodbye, a book that is surprisingly good! (Click on the links for book details). I hope to do so e reviews this coming week before our one day trip to Chicago for the Taste of Chicago Festival and the Fountain Square Art Festival. Chicago is one of my favorite cities!

Layton Green has asked me to read the ARC e-Book version of  the next in his mystery series, The Egyptian, and I hope it'll be as good as his first book, The Summoner, set in Zimbabwe.

Now for sitting outside under my new red patio umbrella. It's very cool for the middle of June, and great outdoor reading weather. I'll take "Dad" out for eats and whatever else he wants to do on his special day today!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads in your household!


  1. And happy summer´s day! (The grapes are a bit sour as we haven´t had too much of that yet). But in a few days my summer holiday begins, and I am sure everything will be much better ;D

  2. What a great idea...sitting outside to read while it's still cool.

    Thanks for sharing!


  3. Hope you had a nice dinner with "Dad." The weather has been gorgeous!!! Have a great week of reading!


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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