Aug 4, 2011

To Sketch a Thief by Sharon Pape

Title: To Sketch a Thief (Portrait of Crime Mystery)
Publisher:Berkley; June 7, 2011
Source: copy from Publisher

About: Former sketch artist Rory McCain inherited an old Victorian mansion but she also inherited its ghostly occupant, a former federal marshal from the 1870s nicknamed Zeke, a ghost who insists on being part of her life and her sleuthing. When she finds a seemingly homeless dog, the dog leads her home to his owner, who has been killed. Rory feels she has to take the dog in, but Zeke objects strongly. In any case, the unlikely trio go on to solve another murder.

Comments: Dogs are always good companions whether you are a sleuth or not, and this mystery is all about them. The addition of a ghost to the plot gives a nice edge to the cozy,  though I would have loved to see the book  printed larger than the standard paperback! This is the second in the series and I'd love to read the first!


  1. I absolutely love dogs. So this is automatically going to my wishlist!

  2. I love cozies and books with dogs so this sound like a winner to me.

  3. I don´t mind ghosts or dogs in cosies, but I prefer human sleuths. The cover is lovely, though.

  4. Dorte: thank goodness though, this is not a talking dog! I can't get used to talking animals in cozies.

    Bermudaonion: Dogs are good to help sniff things out, yes.

  5. Love the review. Will see it out. That cover is indeed a good one.


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