Apr 3, 2012

Meme: Books Read But Not (Yet) Reviewed, April 3

I will have to begin listing books which don't get their own post and review, but I do want to show them as books read in 2012. The 100+ Book Challenge, for instance, needs this listing.

Join me for this occasional meme and list the books you have read but not posted a review for, either because you had no time, are too lazy, or for whatever reason!

Grab the title below and tell us about it!


Here are my books so far:

Lucifer's Tears by Jim Thompson, which I enjoyed but would have preferred to have less in the subplots


Daughters by Elizabeth Buchan, a novel I can wholeheartedly give a 5 rating as contemporary British women's fiction!

Read any books you don't have time to review? Join me on this listing!


  1. Daughters sounds really good.

  2. Yes, I do not review every book that I read! One that I really enjoyed recently, but did not review on my blog, is The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers. And I read many short stories that I don't review.

  3. I'm backlogged by about 3 reviews right now. I always feel guilty when I don't review something...LOL

  4. Suko and Diane: Your comments have inspired me to create a new meme, an occasional meme, to list the books we have read but don't post a review for!

    Yvonne: I recommend Daughters if you like women's fiction!

  5. I like this meme...I have one that I didn't review!!

  6. This is a really neat little meme, and I think it would be helpful for me at times. I also like the cover for Daughters!


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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