Apr 14, 2013

Sunday Salon and the Mailbox

The Sunday Salon.com Welcome to the Sunday Salon! Also submitted to Mari Reads for Mailbox Monday.

Just a few books this week while I breathe a sigh of relief that my basement is slowly being organized, bookshelves put up, items and books given away, boxes recycled. I have much more to do, including recycling guitar music books and magazines, and CDs, music tapes, etc. that my dear sons left behind. Spring cleaning!

I started yoga again after a four month hiatus, but at the gym and not at the yoga studio unfortunately. We have a membership at the gym and they offer yoga classes as part of the price.  It seems to me that I do too-fast yoga exercises at the gym versus doing the whole yoga thing (yoga atmosphere with controlled yoga movements)  at the more expensive studio. We had no relaxing downward dog or child's pose in the entire one hour class at the gym! I may yet land up at the studio!

About books: I'm reading Telling the Bees by Peggy Hesketh and like that it's a mystery as well as a literary novel.

Also on my reading desk is Have Mother, Will Travel, a travel memoir by mother-daughter duo, Claire Fontaine and Mia Fontaine. This is for a book tour on Wednesday. I like the travel details and their views of the countries they visit.

A few new cozies in the mail: Topped Chef by Lucy Burdette and Mrs. Jeffries Turns the Tide by Emily Brightwell. Also a romance,  Down London Road by Scottish author, Samantha Young. I haven't read her previous book, On Dublin Street but I gather the novels are a bit erotic! Down London Road is described as "a passionate sequel" to the first book. Now, I'm curious.

Along with several other bloggers, I have been included in the Sunshine Award given by Trish at Desktop Retreat. Do visit her lovely blog!

What are you reading this weekend?


  1. Looks like a great week! And I have done a bit of organizing in recent weeks, too. Once I start, though, I keep seeing other things that I need to do!


  2. yay for cozy mysteries! i ned to read more of those. they're fun. thanks for stopping by our sts :)

    Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

  3. Telling the Bees looks to be great book, I look forward to reading your thoughts on it.

    Good luck with the Yoga. Everyone that I know who has stuck without it seems to have great mind and body results.

  4. Happy reading, Telling the Bees looks like a good one. Enjoy the yoga, I used to take classes at the gym too, but now I do the disc at home.

  5. I am seeing a lot of Telling the Bees today. Child's pose is a wonderful, restorative yoga stretch.

  6. I think now is probably the perfect time to organize. I've been organizing my shelves and getting rid of books left and right. Enjoy your books.

  7. You're right. Yoga at the gym is not the same as doing it in a Yoga studio meant for that purpose. Same as dance classes!

  8. I love the cozy mysteries, just finish one today. My next book on my TBR pile is "Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict". Thanks for the visit today.

  9. Sounds like you're enjoying your books this week. I am too!

  10. Have a good reading week and enjoy the yoga!

  11. New titles for me, sounds like a good reading week ahead.


  12. Sounds like you have some good books to read. Good for you on getting the basement organized. That is a summer project for me this year for sure. I have a pile of stuff for goodwill and many books for the library. Hope you have a great week!

  13. Nice mailbox....ENJOY!!!!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  14. Enjoy those cozies! I'm not familiar with the romance but I hope you like it too :)

  15. I've only been doing yoga for a few months but I find that I look forward to it each week. Hope your yoga works out.

    And do you ever have lots of great reads! Enjoy!

  16. I have not read any of the books in your mailbox. I really like cozy mysteries too.
    I started a yoga class recently too, and mine is at our local rec center. We do downward dog and child's pose, lots of resting poses and balance poses. Of course, it is called Senior Yoga!! LOL

  17. Spring cleaning... something I definitely need to get going on. I enjoy yoga but not when they treat it like an aerobics class. So now I do the yoga DVDs at home.


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