Sep 8, 2013

Sunday Salon: Nobel Prize for Literature 2013

The Sunday Welcome to the Sunday Salon! And visit The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer!

I just counted about nine books which I must read for book tours for the rest of the year. After that, I plan to quit book tours for a while and read books from my own TBR pile.  I notice I've been getting grouchy in my reviews lately, so it must be time to move on.

More nonfiction book are on my reading list, too.

By the way, who are you rooting for to win the Nobel Prize for Literature this year? My bet is on Murakami, whose novel 1Q84 with its magical realism and social commentary blew me away, even though it was almost 1,000 pages long. (Click on the link to see my thoughts on that book).

This from the Guardian: "Other favoured contenders include US author Joyce Carol Oates, Hungarian writer Peter NĂ¡das, South Korean poet Ko Un  and Alice Munro, the short story writer from Canada."

I've heard Philip Roth's name bandied about too.

Who's your choice?

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  1. I had not noticed your grouchiness :)

    I so wish I knew enough to have an opinion about the Nobel Prize. I look at this list of authors, all whom I want to read that I have not gotten to yet. So much to read and so little time. In particular, I want to get to 1Q84 soon!

  2. I can understand about needing a break from tours to just read your TBR stack, but I agree with Brian - I haven't noticed any grouchiness in your reviews. It will be interesting to see who win the Nobel Prize for literature.

    Thoughts in Progress

  3. I've been feeling that way, too, Harvee...I had vowed to cut down on tours...and then found myself signing up for some. I actually only have three to do for the rest of the year...but I hate deadlines! Reminds me too much of my former career! lol

    Saying no is a skill we can acquire!

    As for the Nobel Prize winners...all of those authors are great. I haven't read Murakami yet, but I know I must.

    Enjoy your new plan to stop touring and attack the TBRs. I need to do the same!


  4. I hadn't noticed any grouchiness lol. Quite the opposite.
    I need to read 1Q84, I've heard wonderful things.

  5. Reading what I have to read instead of what I want to read makes me grouchy, too.

    And, oh, I hope you are right...I'm rooting for Murakami, too.

    Here's my It's Monday!

  6. I have so many books in the review queue I haven't had time to read those in my own TBR. I've decided I need to schedule mine in with the reviews or risk becoming very cranky.

  7. Please check out The Monday Post | Jorie’s Read’s by Starry Night Elf ... I'm not sure who I want to get the Nobel this year. There are so many choices!

  8. I so "get" the need to read from one's own pile! While I loved Murakami, as you know, and enjoyed 1Q84 it wasn't my favorite work of his. Although I'd love to see him win the Nobel simply based on the excellence of his writing period.

  9. I get grouchy too when I have too many books I've agreed to review.


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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