Dec 8, 2013

Sunday Salon: Winter Reading

The Sunday Welcome to the Sunday Salon! Also visit The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer, and It's Monday: What Are You Reading? at Book Journey. Also, Mailbox Monday hosted by Rose City Reader this month.

I downloaded books for the first time on Edelweiss, thanks to an offer by William Morrow for the following e-galleys for review:
Tiger Shrimp Tango by Tim Dorsey. a mystery/thriller set in Florida.

A Garden of Marvels: How We Discovered That Flowers Have Sex, Leaves Eat Air, and Other Secrets of Plants by Ruth Kassinger, a history of the first botanists and info on the plants of today.
The Serpent of Venice by Christopher Moore, a "satiric Venetian gothic"
That Old Black Magic by Mary Jane Clark, Wedding Cake Mystery #4

I'd much rather have paper books in my hot little hands and will take print any day over e-books, but I am going to do my darn est to read these before they disappear from my computer. I only have them for 45, 52, 80, or 136 days, depending on the release date of the books.

I also found myself reading several books at a time, vowing to finish them all:

The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan, Chinese-American fiction, a book from my shelves

This Is the Story of a Happy Marriage by Ann Patchett, memoir and essay writing
Tatiana by Martin Cruz Smith, spy thriller
Paws for Murder by Annie Knox, cozy mystery that I'm quite enjoying
I worry that I have Book-ADD (a term I made up) and am too easily distracted by a new book while I'm already reading one.

Review books and AREs (advance reader's editions) that came recently?

The Altarpiece (The Cross and the Crown Series, Book One) by Sarah Kennedy- an imagined h8istory of what might have happened to all the nuns after Henry VIII took over the church in England in the 16th Century.
The Last Train to Paris by Michele Zackheim, a romance, murder mystery, and suspense - historical novel set in Paris just before WWII

Children of the Revolution (Inspector Banks Novel #21) by Peter Robinson, police procedural and crime thriller

This Dark Road to Mercy by Wiley Cash, fiction

What I bought for myself, on Kindle:

The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Berg, historical novel involving a family of botanists.

What's on your winter reading list? Keep warm!


  1. The Kitchen God's Wife is my favorite Amy Tan novel and I just started listening to The Signature of All Things. Really enjoy it so far and am considering purchasing the kindle edition to make it a read/listen combo.

    1. What a great idea, JoAnn. listen and read at the same time!

    2. I've got Happy Marriage here from the library. Hope I enjoy it!

      Here's my Sunday Salon post.

  2. Some interesting tiles relating to Botany!

    Both look to be little offbeat but intriguing. I have actually heard good things about The Signature of All Things.

    1. I am eager to find time to get into these books, Brian.

  3. Wow! Amazing looking books...I am curious about Tiger Shrimp Tango...and the Ann Patchett book. Enjoy...and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Tim Dorsey has a particular type of humor...Ann Patchett writes about writing essays. Two good books, I'm thinking. Laurel-Rain.

  4. You have such a good selection of books here it would be hard to select which to read first. I totally agree with you about print books. I also like your new word, Book-ADD, I've afraid I have it too. I sometimes have two or three books that I'm reading at the same time while listening to one or two audio books. It's so hard to resist a good book. Have a great Sunday.

    Thoughts in Progress

    1. Mason, so glad I'm not alone with the Book-ADD syndrome. Happy reading week also!

    2. Oh, I have to focus and as I get older it gets harder. One book at a time now is all I can do well. Great books here.

    3. I admit I sometimes forget the plot of books I have half finished and have to have a quick look through again before I continue. This happens more with cozies and light fiction. My Book-ADD prevents me from keeping to one book at a time, Barbara. I admire your discipline!

    4. Hi All,

      I am definitely a 'one book at a time person' and always have been. That doesn't mean to say that I don't keep adding copious amounts of books from many various sources, to my list. In reality I doubt that I will ever have a long enough life to be able to read even half of them, but I just can't resist!

      Have a happy reading week everyone,


  5. I get distracted too when I receive new books!! There's so many good-looking books in your stack! Happy reading.

    1. Vasilly, don't we love getting new books to distract us!

  6. Nice list of books. I know what you mean about Book-ADD - I think I suffer from that too :) Enjoy your reading.

    1. Yvonne, Here's to our Book-ADD and all the reasons for it!

  7. It took all day, but I managed to finish The Signature of All Things -- a lovely way to spend a Sunday!

    Joy's Book Blog

    1. Amazing you could finish that long book so quickly, Joy. Must be good!

  8. Replies
    1. I am in the middle of this book and enjoying it, Sheila.

    2. I know what you mean about Book ADD! lol I'm really excited about the new Cash book. I recently accepted 2 books from Netgalley to see if I can actually get ebooks read. Good luck to both of us!

    3. I'm going to give the e-galleys my best attention over the holidays, bermudaonion. At least, I'll try!

  9. I prefer hard copies over e-books. I have a touch of Book ADD lately too. Enjoy all of your new reads!

    1. The new e-galleys were so tempting, I thought I'd give it my all time best try, Pat. Happy reading over the holidays!

  10. LOVE Amy Tan. The Kitchen Gods Wife is probably my favorite one. Always watch scissors since that book!

    1. One of the books I'm currently reading - one of about four! Your recommendation spurs me on :)

  11. Wiley Cash has a new book?! You just made my day!!! LOVED A Land More Kind Than Home, the title of which came from Thomas Wolfe, one of my favorite NC authors ;)

    1. I plan to read both books, Amy. Nice to have a good recommendation

  12. The Signature of All Things is on my wishlist! It is hard at times to focus on one book when there are so many other books, as well as distractions, especially at this time of the year. Enjoy your books, Harvee!

    1. I bought the Kindle version of the book although on one day last week it was going for only $6.99 as a special but limited promotion. I find the book print not sharp or dark enough for my eyes, and it's a long book, over 500 pages. I'm learning to read on the Kindle....:

  13. What a great mix of books, enjoy them

    1. Marce, I enjoy most genres, minus horror and serial murder novels that are excessively violent. But then again, I do read noir.

  14. Hi Harvee,

    What a fantastic selectin of books this week, although the one which stands out for me and is a definite addition to my reading list, is the Peter Robinson crime thriller, one of my favourite genres and authors.

    Thanks for sharing and have a great week,


    1. Haven't read Peter Robinson before, Yvonne, but am now very interested in reading this one.

  15. Wow, lots of goodies. I hope you enjoy them all!

    1. Trying to make time, Vicki! A mix of e-galleys and print books.

  16. Wow...nice mailbox. Such pretty covers on some of the books.

    I have to get started on The Signature of Things. I hear it is really good.

    THANKS for sharing, and enjoy your week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

    1. Covers make a difference, at least to me. I always want to open a book with an attractive cover!

  17. The covers of Dorsey's books are so eye-catching! I hope you enjoy all of your new books.

    1. Dorsey has a unique type of humor but I'm looking forward to reading the book.

  18. It looks like you picked up a lot of awesome books! I've yet to read any of them, but I did read Wiley Cash's debut and really enjoyed it. So hopefully you enjoy his book as well!

  19. I read This Is the Story of a Happy Marriage last week. It was a fantastic book! I hope you enjoy it.

    1. I have started it and appreciate all the tips on writing essays. I hope to try my hand at essay writing soon!

  20. I enjoyed The Signature of all Things, hope you do too. The Serpent of Venice sounds fantastic - will be watching out for your review.

    1. Looking forward to both these books, Joanne!

  21. I hope you enjoy your reading selections for the week.
    Have a cheery week!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out


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