May 4, 2014

Sunday Salon: Reading for Book Tours

The Sunday Welcome to the Sunday Salon! Also visit The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer; It's Monday: What Are You Reading? at Book Journey. Also visit Mailbox Monday.

Re the garden, we put in wire around our raised vegetable garden bed, and not even the chipmunks can get it. There are already shoots of bean? showing. A ton of sprouts are showing in the raised flower bed - cone flowers, asters, marigolds, or? It will be great to see which seeds will grow, of all the ones we planted.

I finished reading several books last week and posted reviews and/or comments:
Murder on Bamboo Lane by Naomi Hiraraha, a mystery set in ethnic neighborhoods of LA
Death Money by Henry Chang, a mystery set in NYC Chinatown
The Other Typist by Suzanne Rindell, a novel of suspense with a controversial ending
The Collector of Dying Breaths by M.J. Rose, a fantasy

A book tour for The Medici Boy comes Tuesday and am still reading the book, though it's an easy read and very well done. After that, The Gondola Maker, another historical novel, is my May 8 book tour.

I received only one book last week in the mail! Bee Summers by Melanie Dugan, for another book tour on May 22. Before that, I'll review The Idea of Him on May 19.

Bee Summers
We have given away the frame and headboard of a twin bed that had been taking up space in the basement. That leaves me with room for more book shelves, yah! Slowly downsizing and leaving only those things "most loved." Also, sharing the goodies - shipped off a small box of cozies and a copy of Mrs Poe to my niece, a fellow lover of mystery novels. Her older daughter likes historical fiction. So glad to have some family members to share books with. Most of them are too busy to be readers! Ahem!

How did your week shape up?


  1. Sounds like a nice week and as if your garden is coming along beautifully. Happy reading! Mrs Poe is on my wish list, it sounds like a good one.

  2. Love the cover on Bee Summers....and hooray to adding more shelves.

    I need to take another look at mine...time to purge again?

    Enjoy your week...and here's MY WEEKLY SUNDAY/MONDAY UPDATES

  3. Bee Summers looks good.

    It is so satisfying to clear things away. I never would have thought that when I was younger. But now I'm much happier to rid myself as stuff than I am to get anything new.

    Joy's Book Blog

  4. I am jealous at the number of books that you managed finish last week:)

    1. A confession, Brian.I actually read two of the books earlier than last week!

  5. More space for bookshelves is always great! :) I'm ruining out of space and well I will have to find some. Bee Summers looks interesting and I hope you'll enjoy it :)

  6. Harvee, I am cutting back on my book tours right now. Best of luck with yours. The books sound very good. I love the cover of Bee Summers.

  7. I see a few interesting mysteries on your list. The Other Typist really has my interest.

    Have a great week!

  8. I'm glad your garden is doing good, I want me one!

    We need to get rid of some stuff too. We have a four bedroom with a huge entertainment room, and way to much stuff. Way too many books mainly, but my son has a lot of game systems and games and my husband has way to much fishing stuff. We need to make up our minds to go through it all and only keep what we can't stand to get rid of. Easier said than done...

  9. quite a busy week! if you are looking for more books to review for tours, have you heard about France Book Tours? they are exclusively books set in France [all genres] or books translated from the French. We have great titles, in fact we had a tour for The Collector of the Dying Breaths recently. if you wish, come have a look at the previous and upcoming tours, and fill in this quick form to be in our database:

  10. Your garden sounds wonderful - still too cold to plan anything in my area so I'm a bit envious. Enjoy your new books!

  11. Hi, Harvee! It's fun having a relative to share cozies with. :-) I got my mom hooked on them last year, now she's always asking me for recommendations. I received Murder on Bamboo Lane for review, and the blurb sounded really good. I hope I can start it soon. Good luck with your garden!

    Here’s my MAILBOX this week. Happy reading!

  12. Sounds like you had a busy and productive week. I have run out of walls to put bookshelves on and also have to be very selective about what I keep. I downsized last year so that everything fit on shelves but need to do it again. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  13. I've been reading some book tour books myself, although I think we are on different tours!

    Have a wonderful week and enjoy your books and your garden!

  14. Enjoy the book.

    We started on our garden, but don't have anything planted yet, still cleaning out and adding some more dirt.

  15. Your garden sounds lovely! I've been thinking of planting a little something in my flowerbeds--still trying to decide what. They are pretty bare right now.

    The Other Typist is on my wish list, and I am looking forward to reading it at some point.

    We really need to decide what to do with the twin bed in our garage. The frame is still strong and in good condition, although the boxspring has seen better days (thanks to the cats).

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. I will love to know what you think of The Other Typist. I really loved the book, but the ending will blow your mind. :)

      ENJOY your reading week.

  16. I absolutely love the cover of Bee Summers! Enjoy your reading week, and you're right. It's always nice to have some family members who enjoy reading.

    Here's my It's Monday! Post
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

  17. The cover of Bee Summer is absolutely gorgeous. It sounds cute.

    ENJOY your week.

    The Other Typist still drives me crazy. :)

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  18. Death Money sounds great, like the noirish sound of it and the Chinatown setting- i don't read a lot of crime stories but this one sounds great. Adding to TBR... :)

    Have a nice week!

  19. As always, I like all your books. I read about The Other Typist on other blogs.


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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