Nov 2, 2014

Sunday Salon: Two Mysteries and an Adventure: Women's Fiction

Welcome to the Sunday Salon where bloggers share their reading each week.Visit The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer; Also visit It's Monday: What Are You Reading hosted by Book Journey

What's with the mail these days, delivering a plastic-lined brown envelope that has been ripped, and the books falling out? Was there a book missing? In any case, I was glad to get these two AREs that made it, from the publishers.

One Step Too Far
No one has ever guessed Emily's secret. Will you? A happy marriage. A beautiful family. A lovely home. So what makes Emily Coleman get up one morning and walk right out of her life--to start again as someone new?

 Now, Emily has become Cat, working at a hip advertising agency in London and living on the edge with her inseparable new friend, Angel. Cat's buried any trace of her old self so well, no one knows how to find her. But she can't bury the past--or her own memories. And soon, she'll have to face the truth of what she's done--a shocking revelation that may push her one step too far. . . .( goodreads)

The Pocket Wife
A woman suffering from bipolar disorder cannot remember if she murdered her friend during a breakdown. Dana Catrell is horrified to learn she was the last person to see her neighbor Celia alive. Suffering from a devastating mania, a result of her bipolar disorder, Dana finds that there are troubling holes in her memory, including what happened on the afternoon of Celia's death. As evidence starts to point in her direction, Dana struggles to clear her name before her own demons win out. (goodreads)

And an advance uncorrected proof from the author for review: 
Secret of a Thousand Beauties
1930s China. Mingmei Yip explores one woman's defiant pursuit of independence. Spring Swallow was promised in marriage from before her birth. When the groom dies before a wedding can take place, seventeen-year-old Spring Swallow is ordered to become a ghost bride to appease his spirit. Under her in-laws' protection, she will be little more than a servant, unable to know real love or bear children.

Spring Swallow flees on her wedding day. She joins a community of renowned embroiderers led by Aunty Peony, and becomes entangled in each woman's story of heartbreak, while she embarks on a dangerous affair with a young revolutionary.

On a journey from the hillsides around Soochow to cosmopolitan Peking, Spring Swallow draws on secret techniques learned from Aunty Peony and her own strength to forge a life that is truly her own. (goodreads)

What's on your reading list this week? 


  1. Wow. These look fun!

    And what is with the mail lately? Did a book fall out? Annoying.

    Here's my Sunday Salon!

  2. Did any books go missing? Anyway, love the women in all the covers. Secret of a Thousand Beauties sounds fascinating!

  3. I am curious about The Pocket Wife...thanks for sharing your new books...and enjoy!


  4. ooh, The Pocket Wife sounds so good! Thanks for sharing that AND I have started to read the Secret of a Thousand Beauties and as usual with Mingmei's books am really enjoying it! I know you will too! Have a great week!

  5. All of these sound good. I just received a package and it was torn too. There was swag included and the hole wasn't big enough for a book to fall out but I wonder if some of the swag did.
    Happy reading to you:)
    Here's my Sunday Post -

  6. Harvee, I have had problems with book packages in the past. Is there a "book thief" out there? I hope you enjoy your new ARCS and other reading this week.

  7. I had a book delivered recently too that was in pretty rough shape, the packaging was a mess. So I can definitely relate. One Step Too Far looks god, I wonder why she left...

  8. Nice books! I hope you enjoy them :)

    Here's mine:

  9. I'll be watching for reviews of The Pocket Wife!

  10. "One Step Too Far" doesn't sound like my normal reading fare but I'm definitely intrigued by the idea of someone taking on a brand new identity!

  11. I got The Pocket Wife too - doesn't it sound great?!

  12. I've had a few packages delivered that look like they've been through a war. I've noticed the ones marked Fragile always end up in the worst shape. All 3 of these are new to me but look really interesting. Adding these to my wishlist. Looking forward to seeing the reviews!

  13. I really loved the books by Yip that I've read before, so I hope you enjoy this one.

  14. Ooh, One Step Too Far sounds like suspenseful fun to me! Enjoy your new books.

  15. Ooooo...another person with The Pocket Wife. Can't wait to read and discuss with others.

    ENJOY your books and your reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  16. Secret of A Thousand Beauties looks like just the type for me. Definitely one I need to learn more about! Happy reading!

  17. What gorgeous books! One Step too Far caught my eye. Enjoy!

  18. I have The Pocket Wife too, but all three of them sound great.

  19. I saw the Secret of a Thousand Beauties up for review as I was perusing facebook, and I was sorely tempted, but I have no time this fall/winter! Still, looking forward to your review of it.


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