Mar 31, 2015

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

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The life-changing magic of tidying up by Marie Kondo, published October 14, 2014; Ten Speed Press
Genre: self-help

Chapter 1:
Why can't I keep my house in order? You can't tidy if you've never learned how
When I tell people that my profession is telling other people how to tidy, I am usually met with looks of astonishment. "Can you actually make money doing that?" is their first question. This is almost always followed by, "Do people need lessons in tidying?"
...The general assumption, in Japan at least, is that tidying doesn't need to be taught but rather is picked up never hears of anyone passing on the family secrets of tidying, even within the same household.
Book teaser:
By paring down to the volume that you can properly handle, you revitalize your relationship with your belongings. (p. 126)
Book description:
This best-selling guide to decluttering your home from Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes readers step-by-step through her revolutionary KonMari Method for simplifying, organizing, and storing.

I bought this book before I even knew it was a best seller. I started it, it sounded reasonable and very do-able, but I now have to finish the book to get back on track and remember all the advice. Tops in one drawer, bottoms in another; how to fold and store socks, underwear, bags; clothes that one must hang in the closet, etc. 

But first, I must throw everything away or dispose of those things I don't want, use, or find useful! Phew!

Would you keep reading after the first paragraph, etc.?

Other reviews of the book: 1330V


  1. I had a hard time getting to the comments today! LOL

    Anyway, with all the purging I've been doing lately, I still need to do more tidying, I'm sure. This one sounds good.

    Here's mine: “BLUEPRINTS”

    1. Sorry you couldn't comment easily. I did some tweaking and hope it's okay now.

  2. This sounds good to me! I love to be tidy. :)

    1. I like tidy but I admit I have too much stuff and need to purge!

  3. I am a pretty tidy person by nature. So, I'm thinking that this wouldn't be a book that would make much of a change in my life. However, I know that order and obsessive neatness is not part of every person's makeup. Good luck with this one. LOL

    1. Great, Kay. Life is always nicer in a neat home. I love some of her suggestions. One drawer for only tops, another for bottoms only. LOL, I must try that and see how that works. And also, roll your socks, do not tie them together in knots! Don't know how long I'd stick to that!

  4. I need this book! Maybe the step-by-step approach will inspire me to get better organized.
    My Tuesday post features THE ROSIE PROJECT.

    1. My organizing comes in spurts, in between reading and other fun things.

  5. A few weeks ago, I read an interview with the author. Her ideas about organization are interesting. I'm not sure if this book is for me, but I'd keep reading just to be sure. This book intrigues me, so I'll look forward to your thoughts.

    1. I'd like to read that interview....after I finish her book!

  6. This sounds like an interesting book. I don't generally read books like this, but you've got me curious.

  7. I'm already pretty neat and organized, but the book still sounds good!

    1. Oh, to be neat and organized. I'm only so-so in that regard.

  8. I should buy this book for me as a present for my husband! I'm the cluttery one and I drive him crazy. This sounds interesting. I know I need to do some major purging but for now I'm blaming some of it on the kids!

    1. My kids left their stuff here and probably don't care what I do with it. I'm hard pressed to decide what should go and what should stay.

  9. I generally don't like self help books, feeling that I already criticize/try-to-self-improve enough already. But the premise of this is fascinating, and I love being organized. Minimal. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

    1. I would love to be a minimalist. My husband likes knick knacks and I don't want to throw them out or give them away, yet......

  10. I like to be neat, but my husband is a pack rat. I might read more.

    1. Or you could let your husband read the book, lol.

  11. I made it a whole lot easier by moving from a large farm house to a smaller one and getting rid of a lot of stuff. The trick is to not go get more. LOL

    My TT -


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