Jun 26, 2015

Book Beginnings: THE CHERRY HARVEST by Lucy Sanna

The Friday 56: *Grab a book, turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader. Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grabs you. Post it. Add your (url) post in Linky at Freda's Voice.
Also, visit Book Beginning at Rose City Reader
The Cherry Harvest by Lucy Sanna, published June 2, 2015; William Morrow
Genre: historical fiction
A memorable coming-of-age story and love story, laced with suspense, which explores a hidden side of the home front during World War II, when German POWs were put to work in a Wisconsin farm community . . . with dark and unexpected consequences.

Book beginning:
The rain came again, harder this time. Charlotte pulled her knit hat tight, pushed up the collar of her gray wool coat, and stared through the chicken wire at the rabbits. Kate's prize rabbits.
She entered the pen and chose a plump one, furry and warm in her cold hands. Its heart thumped like a tiny sewing machine. Charlotte brought it into the dim barn and stroked its fur until it calmed, trusting. She hesitated a moment - stealing from my own daughter - then picked up the butcher knife. 
Page 56:  
"You are my downfall," he whispered. "My original sin." 
I am interested in this story of German prisoners in the U.S. during the war. It's a side of history I haven't read before.


  1. Indeed we do not hear about German POWs on US during in Second World War. It sounds like a good topic for a novel. I can envision an author going several different ways with the concept.

    1. Am learning so much from books that incorporate historical facts into the stories, Brian!

  2. I know a little bit about the POW camps here but it's always interesting to learn more. I'm not sure I could get past the beginning! It does not sound like good things are going to happen to the bunny.

    1. Poor bunny, and a pet too. But I'm looking forward to the rest of the story....

  3. Sorry for posting so late!!!

    Thanks for participating! You always have suck good books.

  4. This sounds like a fascinating look at a different aspect of World War II. The opening definitely made me want more.
    My Friday post features The Runaway Quilt.

    1. I'm eager to read it for the historical aspect, Sandra.

  5. I can't wait to read this book.

    Thanks for sharing. I have it, but haven't gotten to it.

    I LOVE the cover too.

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  6. Sounds like an adult version of Summer of My German Soldier. This is an often overlooked piece of American history.
    Hope you can stop by http://eviloverlordthoughts.com/anatomy-of-murder/

    1. I haven't read that book, and I might, just to compare. Thanks for mentioning it.

    2. I read it in the 1970s when it first came out. There was even a movie made of it, but I think they gave it a different title.

  7. Wow, that line about the rabbit's heart being like the thumping of a sewing machine, it really took me there - vivid imagery.

    The book sounds like it would be a very interesting and unique read.

    Here is my book beginning: http://wp.me/p4IAgx-3U

    1. I want to read on and see why she decided to take one of Kate's prize rabbits.

  8. Australia also had camps for German and Japanese residents during the wars. It's a very thought-provoking topic given our current treatment of refugee's.

    1. Didn't know that about Australia's history, Brona Joy. Interesting!

  9. Quite an attention grabbing beginning. WOW!
    I'm sold.
    Happy weekend!

    1. If you read it, let us know what you think!

  10. This book has so much going for it. The cover is gorgeous. It is historical fiction. Plot sounds wonderful. I added it to my shelf once I read your post. Thank you so much for introducing me to The Cherry Harvest.


  11. Such a riveting beginning. I've watched documentaries and movies about camps here. It's so hard to imagine.

    My 56 - http://fuonlyknew.com/2015/06/26/the-friday-56-67-shadow-of-danger-by-kristine-mason/


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