Feb 19, 2016

KEEP CALM by Mike Binder: Book Beginning

The Friday 56. Grab a book, turn to page 56 or 56% of your eReader. Find any sentence that grabs you. Post it, and add your URL post in Linky at Freda's Voice.
Also visit Book Beginning at Rose City Reader.
Keep Calmpolitical thriller by Mike Binder, published February 2, 2016 by Henry Holt and Co.

Book beginning:
The bomb went off at 10 Downing Street just after six p.m. Georgia had been in the small private bathroom off her office at Number 11, tring once again, as usual, to make some sense of her hair before she met with Alistair Stephenson, the minister of education.She had just taken her third pain pill of the day. The ache in her leg was a distant irritant most times now, sporadically troublesome in the morning or after a long day of travel, but the pills made the tumult of her life easier to deal with, so she ate them gladly, like bright red rock candy. 
Page 56:
"If he isn't to pull through? What is the plan then, Madam Chancellor?"

Book description: When a bombing at 10 Downing Street wounds the Prime Minister and tests Great Britain's resolve, American ex-cop Adam Tatum must confront a conspiracy in the highest halls of power

I don't normally read political thrillers set in the future, but this may be a good What If? plot. What do you think? 


  1. Hmm, I'm not a fan of futuristic books...but I do love the occasional political thriller. I'm curious now...and here's mine: “MULTIPLE LISTINGS”

  2. I'm not much of a fan of futuristic books or political thrillers but this does sound interesting. I'll have to look into this one.

  3. Sounds like it would be a great movie. That title caught my interest too.

    My 56 - http://fuonlyknew.com/2016/02/19/the-friday-56-95-chicken-soup-for-the-pet-lovers-soul/

  4. I have never liked any political thriller I have tried so I am not sure this is for me. Happy Friday!

  5. I'm not big on political thrillers either. Just not my thing. Hope you love it though.
    Happy weekend!


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