Apr 26, 2016

First Chapter: Deep South by Paul Theroux

Bibliophile By the Sea hosts First Chapter, First Paragraph every Tuesday. Share the first paragraph(s) of your current read or book interest, with information for readers
Deep South: Four Seasons on Back Roads by Paul Theroux, published September 3, 2015 by Penguin
Genre: nonfiction, travel
Source: library

First chapter, first paragraphs:

In Tuskaloosa, Alabama, on a hot Sunday morning in early October, I sat in my car in the parking lot of a motel studying a map, trying to locate a certain church. I was not looking for more religion or to be voyeuristically stimulated by travel. I was hoping for music and uplift, sacred steel and celebration, and maybe a friend.

I slapped the map with the back of my hand. I must have looked befuddled.

"You lost, baby?"

Travelling through North and South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas, travel writer Paul Theroux writes of the stunning landscapes he discovers - the deserts, the mountains, the Mississippi - and above all, the lives of the people he meets. (publisher)

Based on the opening sentences,  would you continue reading?


  1. I love the opening and plan to read this soon! Hope you're enjoying it.

  2. That is a great opener! I used to read Paul Theroux all the time, but sadly I haven't read one of his books in, probably, a decade. I am going to find this one. Thanks.

  3. I like Theroux and this opener so I would keep reading.

  4. I don't read much nonfiction, but I do enjoy a good travel book. After reading that great opening, this sounds like one I'd like a lot.
    My Tuesday post features STELLA BAIN.

  5. What an interesting beginning. I'd probably keep on reading.


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