Aug 28, 2016

Sunday Salon: Herbs, Mystery, and a Healing Garden

My current read...
Murder in the Secret Garden is the third Book Retreat Mystery by Ellery Adams, published August 2, 2016, and I think I want to read the first two. So far, the book has given me interesting information on herbs and gardening and dishes. I have already gone and gathered handful of basil leaves from my giant pot of the herb and made a delicious salad instead of just admiring the basil's shiny green leaves. There is still a lot of the plant left and I'll miss it come winter. Another reason I wish I had a greenhouse!

Add in potions that can kill, gardeners, a poison and herb expert, a healing garden, and a conference that puts several people all together in the same house, and the mystery is intriguing. There is bound to be murder, and there is. I am enjoying this cozy. slowly, in between my necessary chores.

What are you reading these days?

Welcome to the Sunday Salon where bloggers share their reading each week. Visit The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer.
Also visit It's Monday, What Are You Reading? hosted by Book Date. 


  1. This sounds interesting. I love to cook with herbs and we grow as many as we can.

    I think that my wife would really like this book. As I am a fanatic for reading series in order I would start with the first book.

  2. I have the first one in this series and I've really been wanting to read it. I love the bookish elements and this one sounds especially good! Have a great week!

  3. The garden on that cover draws me in, making me dream of lovely gardens everywhere. Thanks for sharing. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Gardens are a favorite theme of mine in my reading.

  4. I love this series, and I am looking forward to this one now that it's out. the first two are quite good!

  5. Happy Sunday, Harvee! This sounds cozy wonderful. I grow some herbs including basil, and try to use them in salads or cooking, when I can! :)

    1. I use basil but haven't used the peppermint I planted last year!

  6. Oh, I like the look of that book. I haven't really read any cozy mysteries - unless Agatha Christies count!

    1. So many Agatha spinoffs that are quite good, Deborah.

  7. Sounds fun and interesting. I bet my mom would love the parts about herbs.

    1. A lot of interesting tidbits about plants too.

  8. Stunning cover, I would be keen to read a mystery novel that also gives you info on herbs and gardening. How useful!
    Enjoy and happy reading.

    Amanda @

    1. Several mystery authors write with this theme. I enjoy them all.

  9. Herbs, cozy mystery? Oh what a great combo.

    1. One of several cozy mystery series with the garden and herb themes, Beth.

  10. Sounds like an inspiring cozy! Have a great week Harvee!

    1. I love gardening, so this is right up my alley, Pat.

  11. I love the sound of the Book Retreat Mysteries. I'll have to check them out. Happy Reading!


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