Oct 28, 2016

Book Beginning: Mennonite in a Little Black Dress by Rhoda Janzen

Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home by Rhoda Janzen, October 13, 2009, Penguin.

A woman returns home to her close-knit Mennonite family after a personal crisis
Book beginning:
The year I turned forty-three was the year I realized I should never have taken my Mennonite genes for granted. 
Page 56:
My folks insisted that we study and travel abroad. They have done extensive globetrotting except Antartica, which is probably on their list. 
Memes: The Friday 56. Grab a book, turn to page 56 or 56% of your eReader. Find any sentence that grabs you. Post it, and add your URL post in Linky at Freda's Voice. Also visit Book Beginning at Rose City Reader.


  1. I've had this for a while and really need to get to it because I'm pretty sure I'll like it.

  2. This sounds like a good one! Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “THE RED CAR”

  3. Mennonites and little black dresses don't usually go together... that alone has me piqued. :-) Looks like a cute read. Happy weekend!

  4. I hadn't heard of this memoir before. It sounds interesting, Harvee!

  5. I read this book several years ago and didn't really care for it. I'll be interested to hear what you think.

  6. This is an interesting opening. With that, it sounds a little "say something odd to catch people's attention" gimmicky. I might still read a few paragraphs however.

  7. This sounds really interesting - and the title alone makes me want to know more. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me


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