Jun 15, 2017

Murder in Saint Germain by Cara Black: Book Beginning

I requested Murder in Saint Germain by Cara Black (June 6, 2017, Soho Books) from the library and was the first on the list! I picked it up today and can't wait to read it, as I've read all the others in the series by Cara Black and loved them.

Aimee is a young Parisienne and a computer security expert who manages to solve mysteries while dealing with her own complicated family past. In this book,  "Suzanne Lesage, a Brigade Criminelle agent on an elite counterterrorism squad, has just returned from the former Yugoslavia, where she was hunting down dangerous war criminals for the Hague." She asks Aimee to investigate when she thinks she is being stalked by a Serbin warlord thought to have been killed. 

All the novels, including this one,  are set in different quarters of Paris.

Book beginning:

Paris, Jardin du Luxembourg. July 1999
Tuesday, Early Morning

The beekeeper rolled up his goatskin gloves, worried that the previous day's thunderstorm, which had closed the Jardin du Luxembourg, had disturbed his sweet bees. He needed to prepare them for pollinating the garden's apple trees, acacias and chestnuts that week. Under the birdsong he could already make out the low buzz coming from the gazebo that sheltered their wooden hives. As he approached, he passed gardeners piling scattered plant-tree branches, their boots sucking in the mud. 

Page 56:

"Bonjour, ma belle," he said to the woman behind the counter with a wave. A Slavic accent. "The usual."

Memes: The Friday 56. Grab a book, turn to page 56 or 56% of your eReader. Find any sentence that grabs you. Post it, and add your URL post in Linky at Freda's Voice. Also visit Book Beginning at Rose City Reader.


  1. Paris setting, yes definitely me.

  2. I've been meaning to read this series, starting with the first one. Ah Paris, a great setting.

  3. I love the Paris setting. What fun to have to research these stories... Thanks for sharing.The Lost Life of Eva Braun by Angela Lambert is my book today.

  4. I love the beginning because of the descriptions. I can really picture what was going on in the scene. I haven't heard of this before so thanks for mentioning it.

  5. I've run across Bosnia and Serbia a few times this week.

  6. I haven't heard of this series before. It sounds good. I have a historical mystery with ghosts from my TBR mountain this week - Delia's Shadow by Jaime Lynn Moyer. Happy reading!

  7. Wonderful setting and characters! Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “YOU’LL NEVER KNOW, DEAR”

  8. Sounds like a lovely read! Happy weekend!

  9. Not so much my cup of tea, but I hope you're enjoying it. Happy reading!

    -eli @ the (book) supplier
    My Friday 56: http://bit.ly/2ryQTwS

  10. My husband thinks I would really enjoy Cara Black's books. This one does sound good! Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a great weekend.

  11. I love to travel through books and always wanted to visit Paris. And a mystery too! Sounds great.

    My Friday 56 from The Nutting Girl

  12. I hadn't heard of this series but with the setting I need to try it. Sounds like a great read and just my kind of book! I love traveling through my reads.

  13. I love it when a new book comes in early at the library! :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  14. I am intrigued by beekeepers--and can you imagine the fine honey in France?! Excellent beginning, and "56". By now, you may have finished the book!


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