May 20, 2018

Review: Two Steps Forward by Graeme Simsion and Anne Buist

Two Steps Forward
Two Steps Forward
Two Steps Forward by Graeme Simsion and Anne Buist, May 1, 2018, William Morrow
Genre:travel, contemporary novel
Setting: The Chemin, also known as the Camino de Santiago, is a centuries-old pilgrim route that ends in Santiago de Compostela in northwest Spain. 

I loved this book, told from the point of view of a woman in her 40s or 50s and a man of the same age, walking from Cluny in France to Santiago in Spain on an old pilgrimage route. Though it's a novel, the book reads as if written by people who have travelled the Camino many times and know of what they speak! And in fact the authors are seasoned walkers of the pilgrim's route in Spain.

In the novel, the fictitious Martin and Zoe meet on the trail, traveling by foot from France and into northern Spain on the famous route. Martin pulls a cart he designed to hold his gear and hopes to sell the design to anyone who would buy it and manufacture it for public use. Zoe, using a backpack, is on the trail to try to escape memories of the very recent death of her husband, Keith. 

They have many setbacks along the Camino, meet interesting people from different countries, sometimes walking together and other times separately, and have varied experiences staying in hostels, hotels, pensions, and bed and breakfasts along the way. The narrators describe the terrain and each little town they enter, in detail. 

This is not only a travel story, about the experiences of walking over 2,000 kilometers, but also a love story of sorts. The book made me want to get into shape and travel along the Camino myself, and I've put the trail on my bucket list!

Objective rating: 5/5. Thanks to William Morrow for the review copy. 

Finished reading:
 The flawed main character in Sunburn didn't get my sympathy even though she endured a lot in order to get to her final goals. Interesting plot and character; the book was entertaining even though not memorable. I gave it four stars.

New books include
Once Upon a Spine (A Bibliophile Mystery, #11)
Once Upon a Spine
A Panicked Premonition (Psychic Eye Mystery, #15)
A Panicked Premonition
Bought the Farm (Farmer's Daughter Mystery #3)
Bought the Farm
A Just Clause (Booktown Mystery, #11)
A Just Clause

What books are you reading this week?
The Sunday Post  hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer,  It's Monday, What Are You Reading? by Book Date., and Mailbox Monday.


  1. Once Upon A Spine looks great! Love the cover. Bookish covers always get me. And Sunburn is one I've been thinking of trying...

  2. Once upon a spine looks interesting. I love books about books, bookclubs and bookstores as I can totally relate.

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

  3. The books look like some good ones. Enjoy!

  4. So many tempting books! I enjoyed Sunburn, but it wasn't my favorite from this author.

    Enjoy your week, and here are

  5. Great books! I enjoy the Lorna Barnett series and Kate Carlisle is a favorite author. Two Steps Forward looks interesting and it's an area I don't know that much about. Have a great week!

  6. I was also a little underwhelmed by Sunburn, although that cover is perfect! Hope you have a good week :)

  7. Two Steps Forward sounds amazing! Have a good week, Harvee.

  8. I like travel stories, so Two Steps Forward sounds great. Enjoy your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  9. I just finished Two Steps Forward-and I loved it also!! I just got so engrossed with all the terrain and Oh I just put myself there so easily!! I would love to do the walk but I am so NOT in shape!!LOL
    You have some great mysteries here too!!
    My review of Two Steps Forward was my 2nd 5 star read this year!! I enjoyed your review.

  10. The Camino Walk has got a lot of media attention even here and it is quite intriguing.

  11. Those books are all unfamiliar to me but they look intriguing :)

    Megan - Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest

  12. Oh! I love the look/sound of those cozies. Happy Reading!

  13. I love to walk so Two Steps Forward sounds perfect for me.

  14. Looks like you got some great cozies. I have been seeing Sunburn around and debating. I think you've tipped me to the "not for me" category. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  15. LOVED Sunburn.

    Love the title on Once Upon a Spine.

    Have a great week.

  16. I just picked up Once Upon a Spine from the library. My weekly update

  17. Two Steps Forward sounds awesome.

  18. I really enjoyed Sunburn; a pleasant surprise. Have a great weekend.


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