Jan 19, 2019

Book Review: In Dog We Trust by Beth Kendrick

Review of romance novel featuring show dogs!

Romance novel, Labrador Retriever show dogs and an unexpected inheritance
In Dog We Trust
In Dog We Trust by Beth Kendrick
Publication: January 8, 2019, Berkley
Genre; fiction
Setting: Black Dog Bay, Delaware
About: "When Jocelyn Hillier is named legal guardian for the late Mr. Allardyce's pack of pedigreed Labrador retrievers, her world is flipped upside down."

How does a dog walker come to live in a mansion and be co-trustee of three show dogs who have inherited their owner's fortune? Jocelyn finds herself in this enviable position, but there are challenges to her good fortune by the dogs' trainer and by the owner's son. 

What will come of this and how will or can solutions and compromises be made? And is romance also in Jocelyn's future?

A romance of the doggy kind that is easy to read and enjoyable. It's also not a totally predictable plot, which I appreciated.

Four stars.  

Thanks to Berkley which provided a copy for review.  


  1. I read your blog early this morning and picked up the book at my library at noon. How lucky is that?? In my youth, I owned a wonderful yellow Lab who was the offspring of 2 champions. I dragged my parents to dog shows and showed him myself, so you can see why I'm so glad you alerted me to this book. I've started reading--fun! Thank you.

    1. Serendipity, your finding this review and the book at the library.Hope you enjoy it.

  2. I already am--and getting a lot of laughs as well. That's a bonus!


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