Feb 10, 2019

Sunday Salon: Thrillers in My Reading Future

New books on the TBR list:

Saving Meghan
Saving Meghan
Saving Meghan by D.J. Palmer,
Publication: April 9, 2019, St. Martin's Press
Genre: thriller
About: Munchausen syndrome by proxy

Broken Bone China (A Tea Shop Mystery #20)
Broken Bone China
Broken Bone China by Laura Childs
Publication March 5, 2019, Berkley Books
Genre: Tea Shop mystery set in Charleston
About: a drone collides with a hot air balloon

Death in Provence
Death in Provence
Death in Provence by Serena Kent
Publication: February 19, 2019, Harper
Genre: new mystery set in France
About: Penelope finds a body in her pool in Provence

Before She Knew Him
Before She Knew Him
Before She Knew Him by Peter Swanson
Publication: March 5, 2019, William Morrow
Genre: thriller
About: an unstable young woman worries about her new neighbor

The Secretary
The Secretary
The Secretary by Renee Knight
Publication: February 12, 2019, Harper
Genre: psychological suspense
About: dark story about a faithful secretary and the secrets she keeps

The Better Sister
The Better Sister
The Better Sister by Alafair Burke
Publication: April 16, 2019, Harper
Genre: domestic noir
About: two estranged sisters and family secrets

Lots of thrillers in my reading future. How about you?

What books are you reading this week?
The Sunday Post  hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer,  It's Monday, What Are You Reading? by Book Date., and Mailbox Monday.What books are you reading this week?


  1. All of these sound good to me. I do, especially, like Peter Swanson and A. Burke. Enjoy!

  2. I can't resist Death in Provence! That looks wonderful.

  3. Tempting books! I love Alafair Burke's books, and I've enjoyed some Peter Swanson. Thanks for sharing, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  4. Enjoy! I read a lot of mysteries, but don't tend to pick up thrillers. I think to some extent I like the puzzle aspect more than the suspense.

  5. You received some great books. They all sounds of interest to me. Enjoy!


  6. Ooooo...I want THE BETTER SISTER. :)

    THE SECRETARY looks good too.

    All of your books look VERY good.

    ENJOY your reading week and your books.

  7. Nice haul of thrillers for you. Happy Reading!


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