Mar 19, 2019

All the Rage by Darcy Lockman: First Chapter, First Paragraph


All the Rage: Mothers, Fathers, and the Myth of Equal Partnership

All the Rage: Mothers, Fathers, and the Myth of Equal Partnership
All the Rage
All the Rage by Darcy Lockman, publication May 7, 2019, Harper
Genre: non-fiction
Gender inequality that has not changed: the unequal amount of parental work that falls on women, no matter their class or professional status.

Opening paragraph (text may change in the final copy)

The Problem That Has No Name 
Married with Children 

Am I being unfair to my husband? 
It is a gray spring Saturday in 2016, the day before Mother's Day. There've been ten days of rain preceding this one;, and I've spent half of those in Michigan with my kids without their father, visiting my parents. I love taking my daughters to Detroit, but solo-parenting Liv and Tess is draining, not least because I am the only person available to issue and enforce the dreary commands of early childhood, the one that begin upon waking and do not cease until it is night and the weight of their petal-soft eyelids has finally become too heavy to resist. Use the potty. Brush your teeth. Put on your socks. Put on your shoes. Don't hit your sister. Clean up the basement....
Author Darcy Lockman is a former journalist turned psychologist. Her first book, Brooklyn Zoo, chronicled the year she spent working in a city hospital's psychiatric ward. She lives with her husband and daughters in Queens.

Meme: Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where  readers post the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book that they are reading or plan to read. 


  1. I'm wondering if this is fiction or NF - curious intro.

  2. I'm guessing this is nonfiction? Sounds interesting.

  3. I too am wondering if it's nonfiction or not. Anyway, it does look interesting, though I'm not sure it's for me.

  4. This one sounds very tempting. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog. I'm adding this one to my list.

  5. I like the writing style, but as a single person with no kids, the topic isn't really relevant to me. See what MK is featuring at Girl Who Reads

  6. Sounds like an interesting non-fiction book featuring gender inequality! I almost thought it sounded like a fictional murderous bored housewife...

    Here's my Tuesday Teaser post.

  7. A very interesting topic. As much as things change, some things stay the same.


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