Mar 2, 2021

First Chapter: Cygnet by Season Butler


 First Chapter/First paragraph/Tuesday Intros is hosted by Yvonne@ Socrates Book ReviewsPost the first paragraph (or 2) of a book you are reading or plan to read soon.


Cygnet by Season Butler, June 25, 2018, Harper

A 17-year-old young woman comes of age in a community of the elderly, rejecting the promise of youth, on an isolated island off New Hampshire

First paragraph:
I open my eyes to the churning of the waves outside. It doesn't rest, so I don't sleep well either. I really should be used to it by now. At least it's sunny. I try to use the thought to power my move out of bed and into my clothes and off to Mrs. Tyburn's house for work. To be honest, I preferred it last week when it rained every day. Rain in big wet slaps, the kind of rain you only get on islands, out to sea. On dark mornings there's a reason why it's hard to get up, an actual weight in the air to to fight, something real to run from, to hide your face from.... 

 Would you read on?


  1. I love the setting and the sound of this one; I hadn't heard of it so I'm off to look it up. enjoy

  2. Oh, yes, I am curious on several levels. Like the fact that a teenager is living in a community of the elderly. And her thoughts...well, I definitely want to know more!

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  3. This intro grabbed my attention. I would keep reading.

  4. Why not, I'd give a lot to see/hear the sea these days, I miss it a lot !

  5. I tend to like stories set amid the elderly. So, yes.


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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