Jul 16, 2021

Book Beginning: My Year Abroad by Chang-rae Lee


Title: My Year Abroad by Chang-rae Lee, Feb. 2, 2021, Riverhead Books

Genre: literary fiction
Publisher description: a young American life transformed by an unusual Asian adventure 

Book beginning:

I won't say where I am in this greatish country of ours, as that could be dicey for Val and her XL little boy, Victor Jr., but it's a place like most others, nothing too awful or uncomfortable, with no enduring vistas or distinctive traditions to admire, no funny accents or habits of the locals to wonder at or find repellent. 

Would you read on? 

For more of this meme, visit Book Beginning at Rose City Reader.



  1. I'd definitely read on. I like the title, cover, and opening sentences. Thanks for sharing this one on Book Beginnings. I haven't seen it before and now want to read it.

  2. I am very excited by this title. The quote is confusing, but I would read on. My Friday quotes from This Tender Land

  3. I'd probably keep reading to see what happens!

  4. I'm on the fence on this one.

  5. Nothing is "repellent" would cause my eyes to keep reading. I like this one.

  6. I think there's a lot of people who wish they could abroad at this stage. Thankfully we still have books to help with the escape.


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