Oct 5, 2022

Romance and Rivalry in Graduate School : The Make-Up Test by Jenny L. Howe

Romance and Rivalry

The Make-Up Test
by Jenny L. Howe
Published September 13, 2022; St. Martin's Griffin
Genre: romance, contemporary fiction
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As a lit major myself, I enjoyed reading about the graduate students of medieval literature discussing and competing for awards and recognition in their work. The romance between Colin and Allison was also interesting as they were rivals in academics as well as former lovers. This provided the tension in the novel, in addition to Allison's estranged father always reviling her for being overweight.

I only wished the descriptions of Allison's physical attraction to Colin, her former college boyfriend, were not so detailed and frequent. They became repetitive after a while. About one-eighth of the book could have been cut if edited in this way.

An unusual plot and characters in an academic setting, however, that made this a four star rom com.

Book Beginning:
Chapter I

If one more person used the word hegemonic, Allison Avery was going to scream. 

After almost two full week of classes at Claremore University, she should be more adjusted to the quirks of graduate-level literature courses, but it still felt like ...a lot.

Visit Book Beginnings at Rose City Reader.


  1. At least there were enough good things to counteract the flaws and still make this one enjoyable.

  2. Glad this one was still enjoyable. It looks cute, I may have to see if my library has it.

  3. Medieval lit would be a bit interesting to study. Did you specialize in a time period in Lit for your degree? cheers.

    1. No specialty for the Master's degree, but I liked Chaucer and the Arthurian legends.

  4. I can see how some of it could be too technical.

  5. I'm glad this was still enjoyable despite the flaws. And that beginning is great. Definitely has me curious for more. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)

  6. I love books set in academia--and this one sounds like an entertaining read!

  7. It does sound like a unique story, glad you enjoyed it! Have a great weekend!

  8. I'll have to check this one out. It sounds good.

  9. It's an attention-grabbing opener! I've heard so many good things about this book.

  10. Why is it that I never read pure romance novels, but I'm a sucker for rom-coms? This looks like one I'd like.

    1. It's good, and the attraction she constantly has for the guy is over the top!

  11. Some authors seem to overwrite or don't have good editors. I hate it when details are repeated. My quotes are from REMARKABLY BRIGHT CREATURES

    1. Yes, as an editor I would have cropped some of the descriptions.

  12. This sounds like fun! I do enjoy a good rom-com, and as a former English major, I'd probably appreciate the academic/literature focus. Thank you for sharing!

  13. I do enjoy rom-coms and I understand what you’re saying about the emphasis sometimes put on physical characteristics. We get it!


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