Jul 12, 2023

Resource for Living, Traveling, Visiting, Vacationing in France: The Good Life in France

For Paris in July 2023 Reading Challenge. 

Author of three books on living in France, Janine Marsh has gone on to produce the magazine, blog, podcast, weekly newsletter entitled The Good Life France.

All the images on their website are protected, so I can't show any of them here, but the informative site is well worth at least a couple of visits. 

Her books:

My Good Life in France: Book 1 of 3 by Janine Marsh, published August 25, 2017
Genre: travel, memoir, biography, France

About: One grey dismal day, Janine Marsh was on a trip to northern France to pick up some cheap wine. She returned to England a few hours later having put in an offer on a rundown old barn in the rural Seven Valleys area of Pas de Calais. This was not something she’d expected or planned for.

 Janine eventually gave up her job in London to move with her husband to live the good life in France. Or so she hoped. While getting to grips with the locals and la vie Française, and renovating her dilapidated new house, a building lacking the comforts of mains drainage, heating, or proper rooms, and with little money and less of a clue, she started to realize there was lot more to her new home than she could ever have imagined.

 These are the true tales of Janine’s rollercoaster ride through a different culture—one that, to a Brit from the city, was in turns surprising, charming, and not the least bit baffling. (publisher)

See The Good Life France podcasts for a colorful and informative look at France.


  1. I've read and enjoyed My Four Seasons in France: A Year of the Good Life by Janine Marsh. I have My Good Life in France and Toujours la France on my Kindle. I think I should give them a read soon! Thank you for your review.

  2. I have read all three for Paris in July last year. At first I planned to read only one, but as I liked it, I couldn't stop myself from reading the next two! :))
    My most favorite is the 2nd one.

    1. Sadly they are not at our library, but I hope to find them somewhere soon.

  3. I do enjoy reading these stories of people who followed their dreams! I will add this one to my list.

    1. Yes, bravery is to be commended in following one's dreams.

  4. That's almost a genre of books: moving to an old dilapidated house in France and describing the challenges of fixing it up and then loving it! I wonder if A Year in Provence (1989) was the first or just the first best seller. This author looks to be really capitalizing on the trend.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. Makes me want to reread A Year in Provence to compare.

  5. Oh I love these kinds of books. There seem to be quite a few ... about moving to France and having to navigate the culture & language. It usually entails more than the person bargained for. Enjoy all your France readings.

  6. This sounds interesting and I love the cover. I'll be adding it to Goodreads. 🙂


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