Dec 30, 2023

New Year's Eve and Favorite Books This Year: Sunday Salon

 Happy New Year's Eve to you and a Happy New Year of prosperity, good health, and fabulous friends. If you don't have any of those, then what you're looking for is in the library.


What You Are Looking for is in the Library
by Michiko Aoyama
Published August 10, 2023; Doubleday
Genre: literary fiction, Japan

I loved the story of how an eccentric, all knowing community center librarian directs five different people to books that will answer their life questions and even change their lives. I also learned about a handcraft new to me - making manga characters through felting. The five characters in question receive a felt mascot along with book recommendations from the librarian, who credits her acumen about people and what they need to "inspiration".

The different ways in which the characters are affected by their mascots and by the library and the recommended books are the major themes of the novel. This is a book I'd gladly read over again and again.

Here are just a few of the books I found noteworthy in 2023. They may not have been all time favorites but they sure packed a punch. 



I could add more and more books that were impressive and that I enjoyed, but I have to stop listing sometime.

Here's wishing you again a new year of good reading and super enjoyable books.

Memes: The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated BookreviewerAlso, It's Monday: What Are You Readingand Sunday SalonStacking the ShelvesMailbox Monday


  1. I'm really curious about Yellowface. I keep thinking about getting it, especially with the positive reviews I've seen, but it doesn't sound entirely my thing. Think I should just give it a try, in the end!

    I don't actually know most of these books, but sounds like you had some great reads in 2023. Let's hope 2024 is even better! :)

    1. I'd go ahead and read Yellowface, which talks about the publishing world and how publishers choose authors and books to print. Here is my review of the book:

  2. The wait is too long for "What You Want Is In the Library? to become available FROM the library in time for Japanese Lit Month, but I put it on hold anyway. Sounds good.

    1. It's worth waiting for. A delightful little book with stories that give advice on living.

  3. Happy New Year! I look forward to seeing what you find to read next year...I enjoyed Drowning and Days in the Morisaki Bookshop, too. So thanks for the recommendations! :D

    1. I'e enjoyed several Japanese novels featuring books and bookshops and cats this year. I hope to read more in 2024.

  4. Great and tempting titles. Enjoy your books and your New Year.

  5. What You Want Is In the Library? sounds really fun. Happy New Year!

  6. That's a great list - some of which I've read and some that are still on my TBR list that I hope to get to in the new year. And may it be a great year for all of us!

  7. I've still got to finalize my list of favorites of the year. Looks like you read quite a few great books this year.

    Happy New Year!

  8. Happy New Year!

    I still want to read Yellowface but it looks like I will not get a library copy of it for at least another three months. I can't believe how in demand that book still is. I wouldn't be surprised to still be on the wait list when a paperback edition comes out...might break down and buy my own copy if that happens. I do have a copy of Drowning on hand but haven't read that one yet either. My brother mailed me his copy after he called to tell me how much he enjoyed it. Several of the others on your list look interesting, so I'll have to spend some time looking them up.

  9. Happy New Year, Harvee! I don't read very much Asian lit. so perhaps I'll try some in 2024. I really like the sound of The Cat Who Saved Books and Biting the Hand.

  10. My favorite parts of reaching a year's end are to see goals set for the next year and looking over favorite books lists. Yours is a list with many books I think I need to add to my TBR!

  11. I need to buy What You are Looking for is in the Library lol, which sounds so funny. I did check it out from the library but then didn't get to it in time and had to return it. I really want to read it.

  12. Yellowface is one I'm excited to read. I've heard so many good things about it.

  13. It is so hard to narrow down books. I haven't finished any of my end of the year posts...yet! Hopefully within the next few days. Happy New Year!

  14. Happy New Year to you as well! I hope 2024 treats you well! "What Your are Looking for is in the Library" has me interested because of the cat on the cover, lol.

  15. What You Are Looking For looks wonderful. I still need to read Chin's book as well.

    Have a happy New Year! :)

  16. Yellowface looks so good! Glad you had a great reading year!
    My Sunday Post :)

  17. Happy New Year Harvee. Wishing you more great reads in 2024.

  18. Wow! These books look interesting! Great picks! Hope you have a great New Year!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  19. Love your comment that matches with the book!!

    Happy New Year!!

  20. Happy new year! Lots of great books on your list. Yellowface is getting a ton of good press. What You Are Looking for is in The Library sounds amazing.

  21. I received this book as a Christmas gift - I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it!

  22. I have Happiness Falls on my TBR pile. Glad to see it made your noteworthy list this year. Happy New Year!

  23. Oh good list. I particularly liked Yellowface as well. The Rachel Incident was pretty good too.

  24. The Library book sounds good. Thanks for sharing the books you found noteworthy in 2023. Happy New Year and Happy Reading!

  25. I am looking for Japanese books so will be trying to find the Library book!!

    1. The Cat Who Saved Books is also by a Japanese author.

  26. Happy New Year, Harvee! "What You Are Looking for is in the Library" sounds like a good read. And I'm definitely adding "Yellowface" onto my to-read list this year.

  27. Happy New Year, Harvee! This book sounds delightful. I mean, what book lover can resist a book set in a library, right? I haven't read any of the other books you mentioned but keep seeing a few in favorites lists. Hope you have a great reading year ahead!


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