Oct 19, 2024

Homeseeking by Karissa Chen; Lies and Weddings by Kevin Kwan


by Karissa Chen
Publication; January 7, 2025; Putnam, NetGalley
Genre: literary fiction, romance, multicultural, historical

I enjoyed learning about the international city of Shanghai during the 1930s and after, with its European concessions in the city, the subsequent Japanese occupation, the flight of the city inhabitants, and the events in Shanghai and China after Japan's surrender at the end of WWII. 

So much of history is covered during the telling of this story. I found the book to be a perfect vehicle to reveal the events in China around that time.

 The main characters, Suchi and Haiwen, grow up together in the International Settlement in Shanghai. After the Japanese leave, China is still wartorn, with  the Nationalists fighting against the Communists for control of the country. The Nationalists eventually flee with their leader, Chiang Kai Shek, to the island of Taiwan. Haiwen has to leave Suchi and his family after joining the Nationalist army and departing for Taiwan.

Suchi spends uncertain years in Hong Kong before landing up in the U.S.,  where she meets Haiwen again by chance, after sixty or more years apart. Suchi is a grandmother by then, and Haiwen a widower. They find each other in Los Angeles and make an effort to revisit Shanghai and their ailing mothers, bringing the circle of their lives to a close.

A very moving story, and an important one for another perspective and view of Shanghai and China during the war, and about two people finding home after a long and harrowing life of war and displacement. 

I only wish that the book had omitted some minor details that could be done without any harm to the story.

Currently reading

And now for something thoroughly modern and fantastical, turning a Hawaiian island with an active volcano into the setting for the outlandishly decadent wedding of extremely rich, high society members, with guests from Hong Kong, England, Europe, and other  countries. 

Not to be outdone, there is another, smaller but also lavish, wedding that takes place in Morocco in a hidden palace and in hot air balloons! The settings make the book, plus the forbidden love story.

Lies and Weddings by Kevin Kwan, May 21, 2024; Doubleday
Genre: romance, satire, contemporary fiction


A forbidden affair erupts dramatically amid a decadent Hawaiian wedding in this hilarious, sophisticated, and thrillingly plotted story of love, money, murder, sex—and the lies we tell about them all.

 Spanning the black sand beaches of Hawaii, the red city of Marrakech, the Los Angeles bachelor pad of a billionaire playboy, and the inner sanctum of England’s oldest family estate, Lies and Weddings reveals an enthralling family saga that is as scandalous and satirical as it is full of heart.

What are you reading/watching this week? 


  1. I should finished 'The Plague Year - America in the Time of Covid' by Lawrence Wright this weekend. Then it's another Sherlock buddy read 'His Last Bow' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I should also manage 'The Wanting Seed' by Anthony Burgess by weeks end.

  2. What rich settings both Homeseeking and Lies and Weddings have. Shanghai must have been a fascinating place in the 1930s. I enjoy stories where characters feel displaced but eventually find a satisfying home. And it sounds like the new Kevin Kwan is full of all the elements---romance, money, power---that make for an intriguing story.

  3. Ooh, Homeseeking sounds great! Glad you enjoyed it.

  4. I read and enjoyed Kwan's "Crazy Rich Asians" so it's possible I would like his latest book as well.

  5. Sounds good -Christine cmkk79.blogspot.com

  6. I do enjoy novels that bring me to times and places unexplored, and would like Homeseeking, I think. Certainly Singapore was one of the favorite places we've visited. I thought Kwan's Crazy Rich Asians was pretty crazy, but interesting as a survey of people outside my circle.

  7. Lies and Weddings sounds like fun. I want to read that one. :D


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Homeseeking by Karissa Chen; Lies and Weddings by Kevin Kwan

Reviewed Homeseeking by Karissa Chen Publication; January 7, 2025; Putnam, NetGalley Genre: literary fiction, romance, multicultural, hist...