Title: Three Women: A Poetic Triptych and Selected Poems
Author: Emma Eden Ramos
Paperback: 37 pages
Published September 3rd 2011 by Heavy Hands Ink
Genre: poetry
Comments: The poems in this chapbook, a small book of verse, deal mostly with family tragedies that affect three women - Annette, a psychotherapist, and her daughter Julia, and a Croatian immigrant, Milena. The poems about them compose the Triptych of the chapbook's title. The poems are moving, each woman revealing herself and her history in her words, reflecting on the tragedy of their stories.
Publisher's description: "A truly unique and awe-inspiring collection, Emma Eden Ramos wows readers with her narrative-style writing in Three Women: A Poetic Triptych and Selected Poems. -Heavy Hands Ink
This chapbook was sent to me by the author. My review is in no way influenced by my receiving a complimentary copy.