Title: The Boy in the Suitcase by Lene Kaaberbol and Agnete Friis
Published November, 2011; Soho Crime, book and Kindle
Genre: mystery, thriller
Setting: Denmark
Nina Borg, a Red Cross nurse in Copanhagen, opens a suitcase that she had been asked to fetch from a public locker. In the suitcase is a naked boy, a three year old child barely breathing. Nina sets about finding the child's mother and the story surrounding her surprising discovery.
I almost had nightmares over this book. It was excellent as a thriller, but the story that it tells about the extent that some people will go to get what they or their loved ones want and need is chilling. I can't say more without revealing the story, but let's just say, it's not related to sex or child trafficking related to sex. Well written, with memorable characters and heart breaking situations, I can understand the book's best selling ranking.
I bought this book on Kindle.
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