Jan 26, 2010

Dino Vicelli, Private Eye by Lori Weiner

Dino Vicelli Private Eye: In a World of Evils
Dino Vicelli: Private Eye in a World of Evils

The little Chihuahua, Humberto, walked past Dino.
"Hey, Mr. Private Eye. How are you doing?"

Dino Vicelli: Private Eye in a World of Evils by Lori Weiner

Publisher''s description: "an alternate-reality version of New York City, in which talking dogs interact regularly with humans. The hero, Dino Vicelli, is a private investigator who just happens to be a sharply dressed Italian greyhound with a great fondness for cigars. He takes on what initially appears to be a routine missing person case but soon finds himself in the midst of a sinister plot that involves kidnapping, murder, and bizarre scientific experiments aimed at controlling the world. As he investigates this strange case, Dino repeatedly encounters mortal danger, while also finding romance with a beautiful blonde Afghan dog."

I've read mysteries featuring dogs and even talking cats, but this is my first mystery read with talking dogs! A little unusual yes, but the author Lori Weiner owns an Italian greyhound, Dino, who is the inspiration for the hero of her book.

Dino may be a greyhound but he talks, walks, dresses, and acts human. He has no doggie traits, so this is definitely not a "pet mystery."

I'm disappointed that Dino doesn't chase criminals on four feet as a greyhound might. He really is a human PI in disguise!

The book was published by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc., 2009. Paperback, 91 pages. Author Lori Weiner lives in Rancho Mirage, California, and is interested in show dogs. She owns an Italian greyhound named Dino.

Thanks to Carol Fass Publicity for a review copy of the book.

For more teaser quotes, visit Teaser Tuesdays


  1. LOL...That cover is too funny. Great teaser; hope you enjoy this book!

  2. Great cover! What a different idea for a book. Thanks for visiting today.

  3. Interesting book idea and a fun teaser. My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/01/teaser-tuesdays-highlanders-destiny.html

  4. Good teaser. Thanks for visiting my teaser.

  5. Thanks for stopping by teaser! LOVED yours! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I love that his name is Humberto! So cute. My teaser is at The Crowded Leaf.

  7. It's a fun idea, but I wonder why she made him a dog if he doesn't act like a dog?

    Straight From Hel

  8. Fun teaser and a great cover!

    Here's mine:


  9. Hmm...this one definitely sounds quirky! Nice teaser. And thanks for coming by my blog!

  10. wow! considered yourself lucky! i havent yet read any books with talking dressed animals in a mystery story..it's fun teaser =p

  11. Oh Boy do I need glasses!! I first read the title as, Dino Vicelli: Private Eye in a World of Elvis lol! Love the cover, is this a children's novel or adult mystery?

    Thanks for visiting! :)

  12. It's an adult mystery, Wanda. Not really for children.

  13. This sounds like a fun one...thanks for the teaser!

  14. Awesome!


  15. I read a PI book with a talking cat in it last year, but now I can't remember the name. So, who knows, a dog might work!


    P.S. My teaser is here:


  16. Great teaser! I love the cover as well! I have only read a couple with talking animals, but loved them. I have not heard of this one, but am going to keep my eyes out for it now! Thanks!
    Here is my teaser:


  17. Very interesting idea. Thanks for visiting.

  18. This sounds different! Great cover.

  19. This was a quirky, fun read. Great teaser!

  20. Sounds really different. Thanks for visiting me this morning!


  21. I absolutely love the concept of a canine PI! But I agree with you -- if the characters are dogs, make them dogs.

    My own teaser is at Bookishgal.

    And you might be interested in the book I'm talking about, for your China Challenge. :-)

  22. Well, talking dogs may not be my cuppa tea, but it's definitely an intriguing idea. And an excellent teaser!

  23. that looks cute...and unique! Happy reading :)

  24. Sounds interesting! Thanks for the visit ;)

  25. LOVE that cover! What an interesting teaser :) Something I've never heard of...

  26. My mind is reeling. Is it a book for adults?

  27. haha great teaser! I hadn't heard of this book, but it sounds really interesting.

  28. Great teaser! *stares at her little chihuahua* I subscribed! Here is my teaser if you are interested: http://emmamichaels.blogspot.com/2010/01/teaser-tuesday_26.html

  29. How cute! I love the teaser and the idea!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  30. Rose City Reader: Yes, it's adult crime fiction! Not for the kiddies.

    Thanks to everyone who commented. I never expected this unusual book to get such a response!

  31. cute teaser. Looks like a quirky book.

  32. This book sounds like so much fun! I'm going to have to get a copy! I love the idea of the dogs talking! Thanks for sharing this! And a great review too!


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