Oct 3, 2010

Sunday Salon: Books and Haibun Poetry

 PoetryThe Sunday Salon.com
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The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag (Flavia De Luce Mystery 2)I reviewed only one book last week:  The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, which I liked thought I think it's a bit over rated. Nevertheless, I'm heading to the bookstore/library for the next in the  series featuring the precocious 11-year-old Flavia, The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag (Flavia De Luce Mystery 2).

A Red Herring Without Mustard: A Flavia de Luce Mystery (Flavia De Luce Mysteries)The third in the series is already available on Amazon (for pre-order): A Red Herring Without Mustard: A Flavia de Luce Mystery (Flavia De Luce Mysteries) and I'm looking forward to that one too.

A Corpse for Yew (A Peggy Lee Garden Mystery)I've been reading books but not necessarily reviewing all of them. Finished  A Corpse for Yew (A Peggy Lee Garden Mystery), which I loved! Am heading for others in the series.

And now for writing.

I've discovered haibun, a combination of prose interspersed with  a few lines of poetry such as haiku. Perfect format for me! This is what I've been looking for to write my memoir!

Am also getting to know other forms of poetry besides the popular haiku, forms such as senryuHaiku has nature as its subject and is considered serious poetry, while senryu has human foibles as a theme and can be humorous. Both are short three line poems. Tanka are an ancient Japanese poetry form of 31-syllables which I won't tackle as yet.

Question is, should I create a separate blog for poetry? Scroll down to my two or three previous posts to see my first few feeble attempts! You can also join in by following the weekly poetry prompts hosted online by a variety of writer poets!

What have you been reading and/or writing this past week?


  1. As you know I have a poetry blog. In fact I started a poetry blog first and then graduated to the book blog. I do keep my poetry separate.

    You do what is right for you. BTW, you are good. And as you go along, you will only get better.

    Welcome to the poetry world. And I also love the haibun!

    Here is my Sunday Salon post!

  2. gautami: Thanks so much for your comments and support. Means a lot!

  3. I agree with Gautami. Do what works for you, although I would think it might be best to separate the poetry blog and the book blog. But, that's just my opinion.

  4. I had never heard of senryu and tanka, but now I am fascinated. Thanks for introducing us!

    My blog is a mix of all different things, rather than purely a book blog, which is perhaps a bit perplexing for readers, but I love it that way - all different aspects of my life and character in one jumbled place. So I would say bring your poetry into your main blog, but gautami is right - you have to go with whatever feels best for you.

  5. Looking forward to the Alan Bradley #3 series book book. Enjoy the new books.

  6. It's up to you. If you post poetry I will certainly read it. Keeping two blogs may be too much work and not enough fun.

    Never heard of haibun, so thanks for schooling me there :)

  7. Well, another trip to the bookstore for me! I've got to get A Red Herring Without Mustard now!!! Love those books!

  8. Didn't realize the third book in the series was out - I still need to get around to starting book one. As for the poetry... do whatever works best for you. Good luck!

  9. Those sound like really good books.

    You should do what's right for you.

  10. glad for you, sorry for me...i love your reviews! i miss them. but you gotta do what makes you happiest!

  11. Thanks for your kind comments, everyone. Will let you know if I start a separate poetry blog!Hodge, I will still be doing book reviews!

  12. I recently read the first Alan Bradley book too. I liked it, but when I tried to read the second one right afterwards, it felt too similar. It made me think I needed to put some space between them.

  13. I enjoy the Peggy Lee Garden Mysteries. They are a fun read.

    A separate blog for your poetry would be interesting. Wishing you the best.

    Thoughts in Progress

  14. I haven't read any of the Alan Bradley books but am thinking of listening to them. Good to know there is already a third book!

  15. I do know many who were disappointed with The Sweetness book. It wasn't quite what they expected. Haibun sounds interesting! Good luck with that!

  16. Oh you are good girl! Whatever I have read, I have liked it. So, you must follow your heart!

    I am still reading the Alan book, but I have no means of getting to the 2nd w/o buying it...I am not sure I would though.

    Hope you have a great week ahead.

  17. I attempted writing a tanka with a friend about fifteen years ago. I wrote my stanza. She wrote hers. It was so profound that I could not write any more.

  18. I have gotten behind on my writing and my reading but I'm starting to think my idea of getting behind is just going to be my new normal! :-) I love the idea of combining poetry and prose in a memoir; how interesting!


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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