Oct 14, 2011

Library Finds: A Memoir, Two Travel Novels, and a Fantasy

Here are a few of the books that caught my eye at the library recently.

Yoga Bitch by Suzanne Morrison, Aug. 16, 2011
What happens when a coffee-drinking, cigarette-smoking, steak-eating twenty-five-year-old atheist decides it is time to get in touch with her spiritual side? Not what you'd expect... (book description)

I like the idea of yoga althought I don't practice it as often as I could. I've read some really good nonfiction books on yoga, though. The title of this one really grabbed my attention.

Cuba: A Novel by Emily Barr, March 2003
The travel bug is very, very contagious, and Cuba is such an exotic destination. It doesn't take long for Maggie to decide that Libby and Dave won't be going alone...(book description) Cuba is on my "someday" list of places to visit.

The Last Chinese Chef: A Novel by Nicole Mones
A novel of friendship, love and cuisine by the author of "Lost in Translation "and "A Cup of Light." Maggie travels to China and discovers a world of food rooted in centuries of history and philosophy. (book description).
Books on the old country and old style Chinese cooking are always interesting to me.

The Night Circus by Erin Morganstern, Sept. 13, 2011
Beyond the smoke and mirrors, a fierce competition is under way - a contest between two young illusionists. As the circus travels around the world, the feats of magic gain fantastical new heights with every stop. (book description).
I've seen so much about this one and good reviews, too, that I thought I should try it.

What books have you found at the library recently?
Check out more book finds at Friday Finds.


  1. The Yoga Bitch book sounds interesting - I just put it on my library hold list. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yoga Bitch is definitely a title begging to be read! I picked up The Night Circus based on the huge number of positive reviews in the blogosphere, and I'm hoping to read it during the readathon.

  3. Great finds! The Night Circus is on my WL!

    Here are my Finds

  4. The Night Circus is really getting a lot of press..I want to read it too!

  5. I've got The Night Circus to read and can't wait after all the good reviews I've been seeing. Sadly I haven't been to my library in ages as I've been trying, without much success, to read the piles of books at home.


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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