Dec 11, 2011

Sunday Salon: New for the Holidays

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I haven't deserted my old computer; I'll still use it but I was overdue for an up to date and much faster web experience. I swear my blood pressure would go up each time I had to wait for a page to load on my trusted oldie. Now hopefully, I can write faster with this more modern one.
I finished reading The Dressmaker: A Novel by Kate Alcott, about the sinking of the Titanic and how the survivors fared during the subsequent investigations into the causes and effects. Based on historical records, the book details the behavior of the "millionaire" survivors who put their own safety first as the ship was sinking, and describes the media frenzy that followed when the details became known. I rated this novel 4.5/5 and recommend it to Titanic history buffs and anyone interested in good storytelling.
A review of the enjoyable cozy, Shoe Done It: An Accessories Mystery by Grace Carroll, was posted last week, one I gave a 3.75. I've been reading other cozies too, some not as enjoyable, either because of the writing or the lack of action that could encourage a reader to flip quickly through to see the ending, as I did with one or two. Too many books, too little time...unless the books are really good.
I wanted to read another historical novel, Victoria Hislop's The Thread, but see it won't be out in the U.S. until early summer 2012, so I've put it back on the shelf.
Next to read will be the ARCs of two well know thriller writers, Leighton Gage's A Vine in the Blood is due out on Dec. 27 and Daniel Palmer's Helpless is due Jan. 31, 2012.

I also received an ARC of The Demi-Monde: Winter by Rod Rees, a thriller about computer game reality merging with true reality. My husband has snagged a first read ahead of me as this is just up his alley.

What have you been doing and what do you plan to do this week?


  1. One of the challenges I've joined for 2012 is the Cozies Challenge, hosted by Socrates.

    I've always loved the covers and blurbs on the cozy mysteries I now I plan to enjoy a few.


  2. Yay for a new computer! I haven't heard of the books you've mentioned, so I'll look them up. Have a great Sunday.

  3. I'm not familiar with those new finds either. :) I'm hoping to finish reading THE CAT'S TABLE by Michael Ondaatje today.

  4. Thanks for some new books to add to my wish list :) I am reading The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern today - terrific book, very original. Have a great week!

  5. Every now and then I have to use my old laptop because EXCEL sits on it, and it is so painfully slow, it drives me crazy. I should just purchase a new version of Excel but no, I suffer instead!

    You always manage to read some interesting sounding books:)

    Have a great week.

  6. It sounds like you have some great reading ahead and I can't wait to hear what you think of The Demi-Monde Winter!

    I am also glad that you got a new computer to work with. It's so nice to have a machine that actually works! I bet you are just thrilled!

    Have a great week!


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

Sunday Salon: Cozy and Less Cozy Mysteries

  Cozy Mystery I rarely read cozies these days, except for a few like Laura Childs' Tea Shop Mysteries. This latest is the 28th in the p...