Mar 8, 2012

Book Review: To Catch a Leaf by Kate Collins

To Catch a Leaf: A Flower Shop Mystery by Kate Collins
Published November 1, 2011 by Signet
Objective rating: 5/5

I enjoyed every bit of this new book in the Flower Shop Mysteries - its humor and likable main character, Abby Knight, flower shop owner whose curiosity puts her squarely in the amateur sleuth spotlight.

Abby's shop assistant Grace is accused of murder after Grace finds the body of wealthy Constance Newport at the bottom of the basement stairs, seemingly pushed.

Abby feels there are a lot of suspects other than Grace, such as a houseful of Constance's live-in relatives, all upset they may be cut out of the will of the wealthy woman. Add to the mystery Constance's missing cat with its diamond studded collar and her valuable oil paintings which may have been replaced by forgeries.

In between sleuthing and running her shop, Abby rescues a tabby cat that she almost runs over in the street, has to deal with her future mother-in-law who insists on a wedding shower way ahead of schedule, and tries to discourage her own mother from making questionable "art" to sell in the flower shop. Abby's fiance, Marco Salvare, supports Abby in the domestic disputes as well as in crime solving.

There are so many interesting characters and situations that I was kept on my toes reading this cozy. There is a small element of surprise at the end, a hint of the paranormal that puts the cozy in line with current readers' interests as well. The writing is spot on for an easy and entertaining mystery.

I received a complimentary review copy of this book.


  1. This sounds like a fun cozy. Glad you enjoyed it.

  2. I'm not a huge mystery fan but I'm in love with the cover!

  3. I don't read a lot of mystery, but this one sounds really good. Thanks for the review!

  4. I am loving that there are so many specialized cozies that readers can choose from. It seems that there is something out there for everyone, no matter what your passion. This was a great review of what I think would be a really fun book. Thanks!

  5. I keep seeing this series and I wasn't sure about it but, YAY, now I know this is one to try. Thanks, I love finding new cozy series.

  6. I haven't started this series yet, but it's in my TBR.

  7. I really have to start this series! Thanks for reminding me about it!! +New Follower
    -Kimberly @ Turning The Pages

  8. Another great cozy....I must read it especially with the 5 star rating!

  9. This sounds like a fun cozy. I haven't read to many of late so really need to get on to reading some.

  10. There are so many of these cozy mystery series that it's impossible to keep up!


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