Mar 11, 2012

Sunday Salon: I've Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella

The Sunday Welcome to the Sunday Salon.

I have seen so many of Sophie Kinsella's books on the blogs that I snapped up her latest book, I've Got Your Number, from the New Releases shelves on a visit to the library. A lucky find. It had me laughing out loud and chuckling in turns in the first few chapters. What a great sense of humor this author has!

My comments: It's a clever situation in the plot - Poppy Wyatt, a physiotherapist, loses her heirloom emerald and diamond engagement ring while showing it off to her friends at a benefit tea. There are distractions and a fire alarm when guests scatter and Poppy loses sight of her ring.

Things get worse later on when a cyclist rides by and snatches her cell phone out of her hands. Poppy spots a discarded cell phone in a rubbish bin and latches on to it in her life saving attempt to find her ring before her fiance's parents arrive in town. The phone works, but Poppy soon finds out it belongs to some one's personal assistant, who obviously ditched it on her way out of one job to another.

Sam Roxton wants his assistant's phone back but Poppy persuades him to let her use it until she finds her ring. He agrees when she promises to forward him all his new messages, which his personal assistant used to handle on this phone. What happens later is amusing - Poppy reads the email, sends email, replies to email, and gets herself involved in Sam's personal life as well as his company's politics.

A hilarious and entertaining romance, I want to read more of Sophie Kinsella's books! Have you read this author?

Cozy mysteries on my TBR list this month are
Scones and Bones: a Tea Shop Mystery by Laura Childs
Due or Die: A Library Lover's Mystery by Jenn McKiknlay
A Cookie Before Dying: A Cookie Cutter Shop Mystery by Virginia Lowell


Being Lara by Lola Jaye - an ARC was sent to me by the publisher; its release date is March 13, 2012.

Book description: With her dark complexion and kinky hair, so unlike her fair-skinned parents, Lara knew she was different. At eight she finally learned the word "adopted." Twenty-two years later, a stranger arrives as she blows out the candles on her thirtieth birthday cake—a woman in a blue-and-black head tie who also claims the title "Lara’s mother."

Lara, always in control, now finds her life slipping free of the stranglehold she's had on it. Unexpected, dangerously unfamiliar emotions are turning Lara's life upside down, pulling her between Nigeria and London, forcing her to confront the truth about her past. But if she's brave enough to embrace the lives of her two mothers, she may discover once and for all what it truly means to be Lara. (amazon)

Read any of these books as yet?


  1. I haven't read a Kinsella yet but I do have one of her books on my shelves! Sounds like fun and I also like the sound of the other book too!

  2. I haven't read Kinsella yet, but this may be just the book I need right now. Have a couple of long/slow books in progress and would like to lighten things up a little!

  3. The Kinsella book sounds hilarious! I may have to pick that one up. Being Lara is in my tbr stack. I'm hoping to get to it this week. Have a good week!

  4. This book sounds wonderful. I love Sophie Kinsella's books and I saw that my library has this one too.

  5. No, I haven't yet, and it does sound good. Humour is so important in a novel...or life, and it's something that too few writers take up and use. Perhaps writers take themselves too seriously. Surely there is room in life and literature for belly laughs.

    Lady Nyo

  6. I listened to I've Got Your Number on audio last month and it was fantastic! Had me laughing out loud many times. Twenties Girl is the only other Kinsella I've read, and I enjoyed it immensely, too.

  7. "Being Lara" really sounds like an interesting take on adoption. It's one of those subjects that seems to have so many stories to be told.

  8. I've Got your Number is on my wish list. happy reading!

  9. I have read most of her books, but I have yet to read this one. I have heard amazing things about this book and that its better than her Shopaholic books.

  10. I wasn't a huge fan of Becky of the Shopaholic series but I think this one looks better.

  11. A few of my friends have read the Kinsella one and really enjoyed it. Being Lara sounds really interesting. I'd like to read that one, myself!


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