Feb 4, 2013

Mailbox Monday and It's Monday: What Are You Reading, Feb. 4

It's Monday: What Are You Reading is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

Mailbox Monday is being hosted by Unabridged Chick this month.

Check out both blogs and add yours!

I am most of the way through The Aviator's Wife, an emotional but well written book that I received a few weeks ago and am taking in small doses.

I never thought I'd be reading a YA fantasy/vampire novel, except for those written by Meg Cabot, but I've started The Lost Soul: a 666 Park Avenue Novel.  I missed the first two in the series, but I can still follow this one.  Publisher's summary: "Jane Boyle discovered her mother-in-law Lynne Doran is actually a powerful, ancient witch who prolongs her life over time by inhabiting the bodies of younger women! As Jane and her friends attempt to tap into power stronger than Lynne's, Jane's estranged husband Malcom arrives to join the fight ...but can she grow to trust him before it's too late?" I'm enjoying this one as the story is well written. Must be the child/YA in me!

Another witchy book that appeared on my doorsteps is Shattered Circle by Linda Robertson, with modern witch Persephone, a werewolf boyfriend, and a seductive vampire as the main characters. Sounds a bit over the top for me!

The Stonecutter by Camilla Lackberg is a book I can easily predict I'll like. It's by a well known Swedish crime writer, whose main characters - a local detective and his girlfriend - suspect that the drowning of their little girl is the result of black secrets in their quiet fishing village. Sounds suspenseful.

Another mystery I've received is Ring Around the Rosy by Jackie Fullerton. A law student and her attorney fiancĂ© leave their Midwestern town for a holiday in Florida, only to be faced with a murder they have to solve.

That should be enough to keep me busy this week and more..... What did you get in the mail or are reading this week?


  1. Ooh, they all look good! I don't usually go for YA Paranormal either, but this one might grab me.

    I also like the look of Ring Around the Rosy. Enjoy!


  2. Interesting about what you've said about the Aviator's Wife, I had seen it mentioned here and there but not a full review really..
    Thanks for visiting my Monday memes post.

  3. The Lost Soul caught my eye.


  4. You got some good books in your mailbox - enjoy. I'll be reading The Aviator's Wife soon.

    You know I can't seem to get your new feed to work in my reader. It keeps coming up with your old one so I keep missing your posts. Sorry. I'll keep your blog up on my iPad and that way I'll check it.

  5. Thanks, Darlene. Will have my DH look into fixing the feed on my new blog/URL.

  6. Looks like a lot of good books in the mailbox. I think The Stone Cutter was made into a film in Sweden.

  7. Great variety of books. The Stonecutter has found its way onto my stacks.

  8. Ooh, The Stone Cutter sounds awesome! Enjoy all your reads!

  9. I'm going to look for Ring Around the Rosy!

  10. THE STONECUTTER sounds really good.

    ENJOY all your books.

    Giveaway going on at my blog for THE CONFESSION by Charles Todd. It is in the post right below Mailbox Monday.

    My Mailbox Monday link is below.

    Happy Monday!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  11. The Aviator's Wife is on my radar. I hope you enjoy all of your books!

  12. I really enjoyed The Aviator's Wife. Happy reading!

  13. I am curious to see what you think of The Aviator's Wife. I have it on my wishlist. Have a great reading week!

  14. Looks like you've got some very cool books to read. I'm just a wee bit jealous!


  15. I've been vacillating about The Aviator's Wife. I just can't decide. Enjoy your books!
    2 Kids and Tired Books MM


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